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锂离子电芯规格书 Specification For Lithium-ion Rechargeable Cell 电芯型号 : IJR18650A-2000 Cell Type: IJR18650A-2000 Document No Version change date Version A/00 Pages 8 Approved Checked Designed夏青松 Page PAGE 6/8 Contents 目录 1 Preface 前言 2 Definition 定义 2.1 Rated capacity 标称容量 2.2 Standard charge method 标准充电方式 2.3 Standard discharge method 标准放电方式 3 Cell type、bar code and size 电芯型号、喷码及尺寸 3.1 Description and model 电芯说明及型号 3.2 Cell bar code and explanation 电芯喷码及说明 3.3 Cell size 电芯尺寸 3.4 300 times charging and discharging cycle graph 300 次循环曲线图 4 Cell specification 电芯特性 5 Technical characteristic 技术要求 5.1 Cell usage conditions 电芯使用环境 5.2 Cell testing conditions 电芯实验环境 5.3 Requirement of the testing equipment 测量仪表要求 5.4 Electronic performance 电性能 5.5 Environmental characteristics 环境适应性能 5.6 Safety characteristics安全性能 6 Warning and cautions in handling the lithium-ion cell 电芯使用时警告事项及注意事项 7 Contact information 联系方式 8 The restriction of the use of hazardous substances 有害物质控制要求 1 Preface 前言 This specification describes the type and size, performance, technical characteristics, warning and caution of the lithium ion rechargeable cell. The specification only applies to IJR18650A-2000 cell supplied by Fujian Jinbaiyi Energy and Technology Co.,LTD. 本标准描述了圆柱型锂离子电芯的外型尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项。本标准适用于福建金柏 夷能源科技有限公司生产的圆柱型 IJR18650A-2000 锂离子电芯。 2 Definition 定义 2.1 Rated capacity: 标称容量: Rated capacity: Cap=2000mAh.Under 25±2.5℃, It means the capacity value of being discharged by 5-hours rate to end voltage 2.75 V, which is signed Cap, the unit is mAh. 标称容量 Cap=2000mAh,指在 25±2.5℃环境下,以 5 小时率放电至终止电压 2.75 V 时的容量,以 Cap 表示,单位为毫安培时(mAh)。 2.2 Standard charge method: 标准充电方式: Under 25±2.5℃, it can be charged to 4.2V with constant current of 0.5C, and then, charged continuously with constant voltage of 4.2V until the charged current is 0.01C. 指在 25±2.5℃环境下,以 0.5C 的电流恒流充电至单体电芯电压 4.2 V 后,转为恒压 4.2 V 充电,至 充电电流小于 0.01C 时,停止充电。 2.3 Standard discharge method: 标准放电方式: Under 25±2.5℃, it c



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