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Inception 盗梦空间字幕完整版 @快过来 Hey! Come here! @ 马上就来 Im on my way @ 他已经神志不清了 但还是指名要见你 @ 把他带进来 @他身上只带了这个 @还有这个 @你是来杀我的吗 Are you here to kill me? @我知道这是什么 I know what this is @ 很久很久以前 Ive seen one before @ 我就见过这个 Many,many years ago @ 记得我做过一个梦 It belonged to a man I met @ 那个模糊的梦里就有这东西 in a half-remembered dream @那个人满脑子都是些疯狂的念头 A man possessed of some radical notions @ 寄生你体内的什么东西最顽强 What is the most resilient parasite? @ 细菌 病毒 A bacteria? A virus? @还是蛔虫 An intestinal worm? @ Cobb先生的意思是说 Uh What Mr Cobb is trying to say @ 一个想法 An idea @ 顽强无比 感染性极强 Resilient Highly contagious @ 一旦有一个想法占据了你的大脑 Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, @ 那就很难再去摆脱它了 its almost impossible to eradicate @ 经过充分思考 理解消化 An idea that is fully formed,fully understood, @ 当这个想法完全成型以后 that sticks @ 就会永远根植在那里 Right in there somewhere @ 然后你们就可以偷走它 For someone like you to steal? 是的 你做梦的时候 你的防备意识也沉睡了 Yes In the dream state,your conscious defenses are lowered @ 如此一来你的想法很容易被偷走 and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft @ 这就叫做盗梦 Its called extraction @ 斋藤先生 我们完全可以训练你的潜意识进行自我防御 Mr Saito,we can train your subconscious to defend itself @就算最出色的盗梦者也无计可施 from even the most skilled extractor @ 你凭什么能做到 How can you do that? @ 因为我就是最出色的盗梦者 Because I am the most skilled extractor @ 我能窥探你的想法 找出你大脑里的所有秘密 I know how to search your mind and find your secrets @ 我精通其中窍门 I know the tricks @ 我可以教你 这样即使睡着了 And I can teach them to you,so that even when youre asleep @ 你的潜意识也不会放松警惕 your defense is never down @ 如果 想让我教你 Look,if you want my help, @ 就得完全信任我 对我毫无保留 youre gonna have to be completely open with me @ 我得比你的妻子、心里医生 I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife @ 比任何人 都更了解你的想法 better than your therapist,better than anyone @ 比如你的梦里有个装满秘密的保险箱 If this is a dream,and you have a safe full of secrets @ 我必须知道里面是什么 I need to know whats in that safe @ 为了达到效果 你的大脑必须完全对我开放 In order for this all to work,you need to completely let me in @ 两位请慢用 Enjoy your evening,gentlemen, @ 我会考虑看看的 as I co


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