中国服装业品牌国际化的题与对策研究 水电费 sangao中国服装业品牌国际化的问题与对策研究 水电费 sangao.doc

中国服装业品牌国际化的题与对策研究 水电费 sangao中国服装业品牌国际化的问题与对策研究 水电费 sangao.doc

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中国服装业品牌国际化的题与对策研究 水电费 sangao中国服装业品牌国际化的问题与对策研究 水电费 sangao

河北工程大学科信学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目:中国服装业品牌国际化的问题与对策研究 学生姓名:徐尧南 学 号:100152220 专 业:国际经济与贸易 班 级:国贸(2)班 指导老师:孙锦 摘 要  PAGE II 摘 要 21世纪的服装理念已经大大区别于上个世纪,从蔽体的基础作用到今天的彰显身份地位,从追赶潮流到张扬个性、体现新文化,服装的作用发生了本质的变化。综观国内服装厂家20余年的发展历程,其中失败与成功均可圈可点。但是,凭心而论,我国目前仍未有如皮尔·卡丹之类称霸世界的服装品牌。 本文分析了我国服装品牌的发展现状和在国际市场的地位,以及如何打造国际化服装品牌面临的问题,然后明确了我国服装企业品牌国际化的目标,提出了我国服装品牌国际化的战略研究及迈向国际市场的对策,使我国的服装品牌真正的走向国际时尚舞台。 关键词:服装品牌;国际市场;对策研究 Abstract Chinas clothing brand and the development of strategies towards the international market Abstract The concept of the 21st century has been significantly different from the clothes the last century, from the basis of the role to cover their bodies to the status of todays show, from the publicity to catch up with the trend of personality, reflect the new culture, the role of clothing changes have taken place in nature. Looking at the domestic apparel manufacturers more than 20 years of the development process, in which failure and success are worth noting. However, with the heart speaking, as our country has yet to like Pierre Cardin clothing brand to dominate the world. This paper analyzes the development of Chinas clothing brand status and the status in the international market and how to build an international brand of clothing the obstacles, and then clear brand garment enterprises of Chinas goal of internationalization, the international fashion brand in Chinas strategic studies and measures towards the international market, so that our true clothing brand into the international fashion stage. Key words:Clothing brand;the international market;Countermeasures 目 录 目 录  TOC \o 1-4 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc389242905 摘 要  PAGEREF _Toc389242905 \h I  HYPERLINK \l _Toc389242906 Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc389242906 \h II  HYPERLINK \l _Toc389242907 1 绪论  PAGEREF _Toc389242907 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc389242908 1.1研究背景及意义  PAGEREF _Toc389242908 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc389242909 1.2


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