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Phoebe CONTENT Finding seat 找座位 Changing seat 换座位 Meal time 用膳 OTHER REQUESTS 其他需求… 00 WARM UP 座位号码 seat number 机票 boarding pass The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 靠窗座位 window seat 走道座位 aisle seat 走道 aisle 中间座位 middle seat 01 FINDING SEAT 头顶置物箱 overhead bin 1. A: Excuse me, could u please direct me to my seat? 打扰了,请问您能带我找到座位吗? B : It’s the window seat at the 3rd row. This way,please. 它是第三排靠窗的座位。这边请。 2. A: Can u show me the way to my seat? Here is my boarding pass. 请问您能告诉我到我的座位怎么走吗 ,这是我的登机证。 B: Your seat is 32 E on the. Go straight back and come with me. 您的座位在32排的靠近过道座位。请跟我来,留心脚下。 YOUR TITLE YOUR TITLE YOUR TITLE 01 FINDING SEAT 1. A: Excuse me, lady, I am afraid this is my seat. 打扰一下,女士,我想这是我的位置。 B : Really? Let me check my boarding pass. 真的吗?让我查下我的登机牌。 2. A : Excuse me. My son and I are separated, we would like to sit together. Could u exchange seat with me? 不好意思打扰了。我儿子跟我的位子被分开了,我们想要坐在一起。 您可以跟我换位置吗? B : Sure. 当然。 YOUR TITLE YOUR TITLE YOUR TITLE 02 CHANGING SEAT 1. A: Which would you like for dinner, beef rice, chicken noodle or fish noodle? 晚餐想吃牛肉饭、鸡肉面或是鱼肉面? B : Beef rice. Thank you. 牛肉饭。谢谢。 2. No, thank you. I‘m not very hungry. Can you bring it later? 不,谢谢。我还不太饿。   可以晚点再送来吗? Im finished with my meal. Please remove my tray. 我用餐完毕了。请把我的盘子撤走。 YOUR TITLE YOUR TITLE YOUR TITLE 03 MEAL TIME A: Would you like something to drink? 您要喝点什么吗?   B: What do you have? 你们有什么呢?   A: We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktails. 咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和调酒。 B: Orang


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