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英语考试整理 全新版大学英语 Unit 1 1. Appalled by what their children spend on candy and video games (or, rather, appalled by the degree to which their children’s overspending seems to mimic their own), parents devise ways to lock up their children’s resources. 孩子们在糖果、电子游戏上的花费之大令家长们十分震惊(或者更确切地说,令他们吃惊的是孩子们的超支行为与他们自己的相似程度),于是他们便设法让孩子们把钱存起来不用。 2. Compounded, that works out to an annual rate of more than 70 per cent. 以复利计算,年息达到70﹪以上。 3. I give them unlimited access to their funds, no questions asked, and I provide printed statements on demand. 他们使用自己的资金我不加任何限制,不作任何询问,我还根据要求随时提供打印的账单。 4. The only way to teach kids to adopt a long-term perspective is to give them a short-term incentive for doing so. 教育孩子们看问题要有长远目光的唯一途径,是让孩子们近期内便能尝到某种甜头,从而激励他们去那样做。 Unit2 I think that skill with one’s own hands------whether it’s tilling the soil, building a house, making a piece of furniture, playing a violin or painting a painting a painting------is something that doesn’t change with the ups and downs of life. 我认为手艺——不管是耕地,造房子,做家具,拉小提琴,还是画图——这些东西不会因生活的起起落落而改变。 No matter if I was involved in writing a book, conducting a political campaign, teaching at Emory University or dealing with international affairs, I could always go back------at least for a few hours at a time-------to the woodshop. 无论我在写书,从事政治活动,在爱莫瑞大学教书,还是处理国际事务,我总会设法抽空回木工场,每次至少呆上几个小时。 In Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter’s recently published book, Everything to Gain, they explain frankly how they used back-to-basics to confront and resolve their painful political defeat, a sudden departure from Washington and their fears of an empty future. 在吉米和罗莎琳·卡特最近出版的书名为《好处说不尽》的书中,他们直言不讳地解释了当他们遭遇了痛苦的政治上的失败,突然告别华盛顿以及对茫然的未来感到惧怕时,他们是如何使用返璞归真的技能来面对和化解这些问题的。 In this book we encourage people to take on new things that might look very difficult, but that become very rewarding once the person is involved. 在此书中,我们鼓励人们勇于开拓新天地,看起来也许非常困难,但你一旦投入进去,就会得益匪浅。 Unit 3 In the face of clear evidence to the contrary, Joe Frazier was unable to give up the notion that Marvis would su


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