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Pragmatics7Politenessandinteraction选编;Outline ;Background and Approaches to politeness: a review ;Background and Approaches to politeness: a review ;1)formality: don’t impose/remain aloof 不要强加于人;适用于交际双方权势和地位不均等的场合, 如学生和老师, 雇主和雇员之间; 2)hesitancy: give the addressee his options给对方留有余地和空间;适用于交际双方权力地位平等, 但社会关系不密切的场合, 如商人与顾客; 3) equality: act as though you and the addressee were equal/make him feel good 增进双方的友情;适用于好友, 恋人之间。 ;Brown Levinson: Face Theory;Positive face: the positive consistent self-image that people have and want to be appreciated and approved of by at least some other people. 积极面子是指希望得到别人的赞同和喜爱。 ;Negative face : the rights to territories, freedom of action and freedom from imposition; essentially the want that your actions be not impeded by others. 消极面子是指不希望别人强加于自己,自己的行为不受别人的干涉或阻碍。 ;Two main approaches to politeness before Leech;Leech: Politeness Theory:Background ;Leech: Politeness Theory:Background;Leech: Politeness Theory:Background;Leech: Politeness Theory:Background;Leech: Politeness Theory ;Leech: Politeness Theory ;Leech: Politeness Theory ;Leech: Politeness Theory;Leech: Politeness Theory;Leech: Politeness Theory;Leech: Politeness Theory;Leech: Politeness Theory;MAXIMS OF POLITENESS;(i) ???The Tact maxim (策略准则, 得体准则) (a) Minimize the cost to others; 使他人受损最小 (b) maximize the benefit to others; 使他人受惠最大 ; (ii) ?? The Generosity maxim(宽宏准则,慷慨准则) (a) ?Minimize the benefit to self; 使自身受益最小 (b) maximize the cost to self; 使自身受损最大 ;— You can lend me your car. — I can lend you my car. — You must come and have dinner with us. — We must come and have dinner with you.;(iii) The Approbation ( or flattery) maxim 赞扬准则 (a) Minimize dispraise of others; 尽量缩小对他人的贬损 (b) Maximize praise of others. 尽量夸大对他人的赞扬 ; (iv) The Modesty Maxim 谦虚准则 (a) Minimize praise of self; 尽量缩小对自身的赞扬 (b) Maximize dispraise of self. 尽量夸大对他人的赞扬 ; — What a marvelous meal you cooked! — What


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