bonfire night焰火节.pptx

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;History and Origin of Guy Fawkes Day;As early as 1607 there are records of bonfire celebrations(焰火节) on the 5th of November. James I had declared the day a public holiday in his joy at the overthrow of the Gunpowder Plot(火药密谋).Children would often blacken their faces with the ashes on Bonfire night, in imitation of Guy fawkes who it was believed to have done this also, to try to camouflage(伪装) himself.It is not certain when the guys were first introduced, but it did happen during the reign of James I, and after the reign of Charles II, children made the guys a few days in advance of the event, and paraded the streets with it chanting(重复的说), a penny for the guy, often it is pushed around in a old pram(手推车) or leaning up against the wall, at street corners. And this still happens today.As well as burning the guys the bonfires were used to cook the potatoes, and this custom can be traced back many many years. For weeks, large potatoes - roasters as they were called in Derbyshire(德比郡), were stored in readiness for Bonfire night. Some potatoes weighed as much as half a pound and there was nothing nicer or so the locals thought, than eating a hot floury roaster , with the glow of the bonfire on your face and the merry jests(玩笑话) and chants(赞歌) of the party around you.;Traditions of Guy Fawkes Day;焰火节是一项延续了4个多世纪的传统。从每年10月下旬开始就可以看到有人在燃放焰火庆祝了。官方的焰火燃放活动大都安排在纪念日前后,比较著名的有弗兰兹谷公园庆典和伦敦的泰晤士河庆典。弗兰兹谷公园庆典是官方举办的规模最大的焰火活动,燃放点是在公园内的大湖畔。每年有大约2万人一起参加弗兰兹谷公园庆典,焰火表演会持续30分钟左右。庆典开始后,璀璨的焰火时而姹紫嫣红,时而金光闪闪,散落后落入湖中荡起层层水波。空中的焰火与水中的倒影交相辉映,照亮了湖中的天鹅与园内的美景。此时的弗兰兹谷公园就宛如童话世界一般。 同时,与威斯敏斯特宫隔河相望的是伦敦的新地标伦敦眼。夜间的伦敦眼幻化成一个巨大的蓝色光环,在焰火点缀下的空中旋转,在为古老的泰晤士河注入活力的同时也平添了一丝梦幻气息。;最为热闹的还要数11月5日的正式纪念庆典。虽然纪念日当天并不放假,但却丝毫不会影响人们庆祝的心情。傍晚时分,传统的英国家庭会在庭院中升起篝火,围在火堆旁聊天、烤土豆、放焰火的人随处可见。曾经企图被用来制造恐怖使的黑火药被英国人民化成了美丽的焰火点亮星空,他们以此来感谢上帝保佑他们的君主和国家。等到天色再暗一些的时候,英国居民不论男女老少都会身着盛装走上街头,举着火把进行游行,并与游客们一起载歌载舞。同时,英国人还不忘举行一个重要的仪式——别忘了这个“焰火节”还有一个别名,“盖伊·福克斯之夜”,因此,主角当然是盖伊·福克斯了。;身着传统服饰的游行者;Bonfire Night(焰火之夜)也叫Guy Fawkes Night(佛克斯被捕纪念日) 1605年11月4日夜至5日晨,英国信奉新教的国


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