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Traditional wedding in china;Since ancient times, marriage has been regarded as most blessed events in the life of a Chinese passing the imperial examination and the birth of ones children. one of the three The other firvo are Marriage was solemnized with lots of interesting customs performed to this day. 从古至今,婚礼一直被中国人认为是人生三大快事之一。另外两个分别是金榜题名和生子。为了使婚礼看起来庄严正式,中国人有很多沿用至今的有意思的风俗习惯,有些至今仍在沿用。;It was very important to follow a basic principle of the Three Letters and Six Etiquettes in the past. Even now some customs are still followed. 遵循“三书六礼”的基本原则在过去是非常重要的。即使在现在过去的一些习俗仍在沿用,当然有时候会根据实际情况做一些变动。;Three Letters 三书;Six Etiquettes 六礼;Birthday matching:If the potential brides parents do not object to the marriage, the matchmaker will then ask for the girls birthday and birth-hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom. If the couples birthdays and birth-hours do not conflict according to astrology,the marriage will continue onto the next stage. If there is any sign of astrological conflict, which meant the marriage will bring disasters upon both families,the proposed marriage is immediately quashed. 问名:如果女方父母不反对这门亲事,媒人就会要求他们提供女孩的生辰八字,看看男孩和女孩是否相合。如果相合,婚礼会进人下个阶段。如果相冲,两人的结合会给家庭带来灾难,求婚会立刻终止;Presenting betrothal gifts:Once both birthdays matched,the bridegrooms family will then arrange for the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts,including the betrothal letter, to the brides family. 纳吉:一旦双方的生辰相合,男方会安排媒人给女方送去聘礼,其中包括聘书。;Presenting wedding gifts:After the betrothal letter and betrothal gifts are accepted,the bridegrooms family will later formally send wedding gifts to the brides family. Usually,gifts may include tea,lotus seeds, longan,red beans,green beans,red dates,oranges,pomegranate,and other delicacies,depending on local customs and family wealth. 纳征:女方接受了聘书和聘礼后,男方会正式给女方送去“大礼”,其中通常会包括茶叶、莲子、龙眼、瓜子、红豆、绿豆、红枣、橘子、石榴和其他一些物品。由于各地习惯不同和家庭贫富不等,聘礼的内容和数量会有一定差异。;Picking a wedding date:An astrologist or astrology book will be consulted to select an auspicious date to


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