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六年级下学期Join in知识点整理 Unit 1 My cousins and I 单词 (要求会读,知道中文意思)Auntie姑妈;姨妈;伯母;婶婶;舅妈 Australia Day 澳大利亚国庆节 Canberra堪培拉 fact 事实;真相 sixth第六 October十月 May五月 home town家乡重点单词 (要求背诵,会拼写):Australia澳大利亚 Australian澳大利亚人 China中国 Chinese中国人 Sydney悉尼 capital首都 baby婴儿 climb攀登,爬 friendly友好的 koala树袋熊,考拉 little幼小的 outgoing外向的 Spring Festival春节 tail尾巴 lovely可爱的 pretty漂亮的 kind友好的,善良的 clever聪明的 beautiful美丽的 strong强壮的 重点句型 (要求会听写)There are many Chinese Australians in the country. 这里有许多华裔澳洲人。 She has got big brown eyes and brown hair. 她有棕色的眼睛和棕色的头发。 Has your aunt got any children? 你的姑妈有小孩吗? They’ve got two children. 他们有两个小孩。 It has got no tail. 它没有尾巴。 I was born in Australia. 我出生在澳大利亚。 I started playing the piano at four. 我四岁开始弹钢琴。 We had a happy Spring Festival together. 我们在一起度过了一个开心的春节。 She went to Australia before I was born. 她在我出生前就去了澳大利亚。 I took lots of photos at our big family get-together. 我照了很多全家福。 They work at the same hospital. 他们在同一家医院工作。 We’re having so much fun in China. 我们在中国玩的很开心。 People are wearing cool clothes there. 这儿的人正穿凉快的衣服。 It’s good to see snow! 能看雪真好! Where were you born? 你出生在哪里? How many people are there in your family? 你家里共有多少人? Who are they? 他们是谁? Who is Martin? 马丁是谁? What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的? What do you like? 你喜欢什么? Where does Ma Tao’s aunt live and work? 马涛的姑姑在哪里住在哪里工作呢? When did she go to Australia? 她什么时候去澳大利亚? Why did they come to China? 他们为什么去中国? What do you know about Australia? 关于澳大利亚你知道什么? Did you have a good time at Spring Festival? 你春节过的愉快吗? Your cousins must speak good English? 你的堂兄妹们的英语肯定说的很好。 Bill can’t speak. 比尔不会说。 Come to my place and have a look, will you? 到我这里来看看,好吗? Australia is the world’s sixth biggest country. 澳大利亚是世界上第六大的国家。 It is the biggest city in Australia. 它是澳大利亚最大的城市。 She is a pretty girl from Australia. 她是一个来自澳大利亚的漂亮女孩。  语法 There be… 有 has got … 有 被动用法 be+过去分词 be born was born 一般过去时 start doing sth 开始做某事 work at the hospital在(医院)工作 现在进行时 be + 动词ing形式 特殊疑问句Where…? 哪里?Who..? 谁?What..? 什么?How many..? 多少? Whe


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