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徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)  PAGE 46 Jm14 或 jhmb14绞车的设计说明书 附图纸 请联系qq794254167 摘要 绞车又称为卷扬机,主要运用于建筑、水利工程、林业、矿山、码头等的物料升降或平拖。是用HYPERLINK /view/3460744.htm卷筒缠绕HYPERLINK /view/617006.htm钢丝绳或HYPERLINK /view/888741.htm链条以HYPERLINK /view/1129960.htm提升或HYPERLINK /view/201222.htm牵引重物的轻小型起重设备 本次设计的思路是先以给定的数据确定钢丝绳的直径参数,而后计算卷起钢丝绳的卷筒的各个尺寸参数,通过给定的数据推出电动机的转速和功率,从而选择电动机,确定传动比,再分配给各个减速器计算其各个参数,最后计算及校核各轴、联轴器、制动器、滚筒等机构零件。 本课题JM14绞车,之前对其结构都有所了解,根据给定的数据设计其各个部件的尺寸,但是现在市面上的一些绞车结构比较多样化,各个零件的安放位置也有所不同,因此我总结了大部分绞车的一些优缺点,重新设计,这里我主要从减速器,底座,卷筒等方面入手,对其进行改进设计。 绞车的用途多种多样,所以它们的结构也各种各样,性能特点也是大不相同的。为了更好的研究绞车的结构和性能特点,我们需要对绞车的组成和分类进行仔细深入地探讨。 关键词 慢速绞车;蜗轮蜗杆减速器;轴;制动器 Abstract The winch also called hoist, mainly used in construction, water conservancy project, forestry, mining, wharf and the material or smooth drag. With the drum winding wire rope is to ascend or traction or chain of heavy light small lifting equipment. This design train of thought is first in the given data to determine the diameter of wire rope parameters, and then calculating of wire rope of rolling up each size parameters, through the given data out of the motor speed and power, and thus the choice of motor, determine the transmission ratio, redistribution, to all the various parameters calculation speed reducer, finally calculated and checked the axis, coupling, brakes and such institutions parts. I mainly from base, reducer, reel and other aspects, carries on the improvement design. The subject of JM14winch, prior to its structure has knowledge, according to the given data to design the size of each part, but now on the market a number of winches structure diversification, various parts of the position is different, so I sum up some of the advantages and disadvantages of most of the winch, redesign Winch for a variety of purposes, so their structure is various, performance characteristics is different. In order to better study the winchs structure and performance characteristics, we need to carefully winch composition and clas


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