Need and Needn’t.ppt

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Need and Needn’t

一、need作情态动词的用法: 1 need用作情态动词时表“必须必要”的意思,后直接跟动词原型,且need无人称、数的变化(第三人称单数不加s),也没有非谓语形式(不定式、分词)。 注意: 2 need用作情态动词时常用于否定句和疑问句中。 例:Need he bring his laptop tomorrow?明天他必须带他的笔记本过来吗? Come on , you neednt worry about it becuse its not your fault.行啦,你不必担心的因为那不是你的错。 must引导的一般疑问句的否定回答必须使用neednt。 -Must I leave?我必须离开吗? -No,you neednt.不,你不必离开。 ;二、need作实意动词的用法: 1、need+something需要某物 例:I need some fruits to eat.我需要些水果来吃。 2、need to do something需要做某事 例:You dont need to have the bike repaired right away.你不必马上去修车。 3、need doing=need to be done需要…… 例:Theroomneedscleaning=Theroomneedstobecleaned.房间需要打扫了。 4、need some body to do something需要某人做某事 例:I need some one to help me out of this problem.我需要找人来帮助我解决这个问题。 ; 三、need作名词的用法: need用作名词时,既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。主要常用句型如下: 1、(Theres)no need to do something没必要做某事 例:Theres no need to cover such along distance.没必 要走那么远的距离。 Theres no need for me to break the window because I have the key.我没必要打破窗户因为我有钥匙。 No need to run since were not pressed for time.不必跑 啦,我们又不赶时间。 也可以单独使用:Theres no need.意思是“没有必要”。 2、in (great) need of(非常)需要 例:There scue team is in great need of medicine.救援 小组非常需要药品。 3、if need be如果需要的话 例:If need be,Im going to do you a favor.如果需要的话我会帮你的。 ;1.Needn’t=don’t have to .needn’t expresses absence of obligation.表示没必要做的,没有义务做 eg:you needn’t do the whope exercise now.You can finish it at home 2.The past from of neednt is didn’t need to do eg:Since she helped with the heavy bag,l didn’t need to take a taxi. 3.The alternative past from of didn’t need to =needn’t have + -ed participle. It is used when an action has been unnecessarily done. ;eg:The needn’t have waited for us in the rain.


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