some things about language(关于语言的一些事).pptx

some things about language(关于语言的一些事).pptx

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some things about language(关于语言的一些事)

Some Things about Language;The definition of language: the speech is the material shell, which is composed of vocabulary and grammar and can express the symbol system of human thought… 语言的定义:以语音为物质外壳,由词汇和语法构成并能表达人类思想的符号系统。; The characteristics of language : creativity, structure, meaning, referring to the nature and sociality and individuality。 语言的特性:创造性、结构性、意义性、指代性和社会性与个体性。 The structure of language: phoneme, morpheme, word, phrase, sentence, text。 语言的结构:音位、语素、词、短语、句子、全文。 ;The type of language: conversational language, monologue language, written language, internal language。 语言的种类:对话语言、独白语言、书面语言、内部语言。 The origin of language can be divided into: god created and Human creation, that labor creates。 语言的起源:大致可以分为神授说和人创说,劳动创造说。 ;The divine right of essence: in was scientific and cultural level of the extremely low conditions。 People can‘t explain the language strange phenomenon is how to produce, so I had to return to the gift of God。 神授说实质:在当时科学文化水平极其低下的条件下,人们无法解释语言这种奇妙的现象是如何产生的,因此只得归之于神的恩赐。;The essence of human creation: the generation of subjective speculation, the lack of scientific basis。 人创说的实质:都是主观思辨的产生,缺乏科学的依据。 So, relative, labor creates more close to reality。 所以,相对而言,劳动创造说更加贴近现实 ;The origin of language must have three aspects: the human thinking ability should develop to a certain level。 Human beings have certain physiological conditions。 The human society has the necessity of producing language… 语言的起源必须具备三方面条件:①人类的思维能力要发展到一定的水平。②人类要具备一定的生理条件。③人类社会有了产生语言的必要。 ; Engels said: “language is from labor and labor - from the production of......” Labor proposed the social need of language, and provided the psychological and physiological conditions for the generation of language。 Labor has also improved the pronunciation and organs of the primitive people, and provided the necessary physiological conditions for the generation of language… 恩格斯说:“语言是从劳动中并和劳动-起产生的……”劳动提出了产生语言的社会需要;为语言的产生提供了心理和生理上的条件。劳动也改善了原始人的发音器官,为语言的产生提供了必要的生理条件。 ;The


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