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PAGE  PAGE - 15 - 课 程 结 课 论 文 赣南脐橙产业新思路研究 学 院:外语外贸学院 专业班级:国贸···班 姓 名:······ 学 号:21 指导老师:··· 完成日期:2014—1—18 摘要 众所周知,赣南是脐橙的重要产区,且发展已初具规模。那么,要想进军脐橙产业分得一杯羹,在竞争激烈的脐橙市场中有一方立足之地,确实是一个值得思考的问题。基于以上背景,本文以《国际经济与合作》中投资知识为灵感,结合赣南地区的实际情况,认为以大学生群体为出发点将成为进军脐橙市场的一个较好切入点。 本文首先介绍了赣南脐橙发展的现状、存在的问题以及市场情况;然后分析了为何从大学生为出发点是一个较好的选择,主要从垄断利润、比较优势、要素禀赋、规模经济等方面进行考量;最后,结合以上分析,具体说明了以大学生为切入点,如何在实战中更好的操作。 关键字:脐橙;大学生;经济分析 Abstract As everyone knows, Gannan navel orange is one of the most important areas, and the development has begun to take shape. So, if you want to enter the navel orange industry share a cup of a thick soup, one side a place to live in the fierce competition in the navel orange market, is really a question. Based on the above background, this paper takes international economic cooperation and investment in knowledge for inspiration, combined with the actual situation in Gannan area, according to the college students as the starting point to become a good entry point into the market of navel orange. This paper first introduces the current situation of the development of Gannan navel orange, the existing problems and market conditions; and then analyzes why from the college students as the starting point is a good choice, the main consideration from the monopoly profits, comparative advantage, factor endowment, scale economy and so on; finally, combination of the above analysis, a detailed description of the college students as the breakthrough specific operation point, how to better in actual combat. Keywords: navel orange; college students; economic analysis 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc375148042 第1章 赣南脐橙产业现状以及市场情况  PAGEREF _Toc375148042 \h - 5 -  HYPERLINK \l _Toc375148043 1.1 概述  PAGEREF _Toc375148043 \h - 5 -  HYPERLINK \l _Toc375148044 1.2 脐橙产业  PAGEREF _Toc375148044 \h - 5 -  HYPERLINK \l _Toc375148045 1.3 存在问题  PAGEREF _Toc375148045 \h - 6 -  HYPERLINK \l _Toc375148046 1.4 竞争激烈  PAGEREF _Toc37514804


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