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学习古汉语的现实意义 (王燕娜) (西南科技大学网络学院汉语言文学专业 汉语言文学XX级XX班) 【摘要】:汉字是一种表义性的文字,汉字的字形与词义之间有着异常密切的关系,因而学习汉字知识在古代汉语词汇中具有十分重要的意义。本文分析了古汉语教学的现状和存在的问题,提出通过教学内容和教学方法的改变,从拓展阅读、古今对照、探究文本“疑点”、提高能力四个方面来激发学生的兴趣,提高学生的实践能力和创新能力。从而升华主题学习古汉语的目标和意义。 【关键词】:古代汉语;教学;意义 The realistic significance of learning the ancient Chinese (Wang Yanna) (Internet Network School of Chinese Language and Literature, SWUST) Grade: 2012 Class: Class 7 of Chinese Language and Literature 【Abstract】: Chinese character is a kind of expressive language and glyph of Chinese characters has a close relationship with its meaning. Therefore, learning Chinese characters in the ancient Chinese vocabulary is of great significance. This paper analyzes the present situation of the ancient Chinese teaching and the existing problems, to change teaching contents and teaching methods, from expanding reading, contrasting ancient with modern, exploring the text doubt, improving the ability to stimulate students interest, improve the students practical ability and innovation ability. Thus highlight significance of the theme of learning ancient Chinese. 【Key words】: ancient Chinese ; teaching ; meaning 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u  序 言  PAGEREF _Toc398750238 \h 1 一、古代汉语教学现状  PAGEREF _Toc398750239 \h 2 1、畏惧心理  PAGEREF _Toc398750240 \h 2 2、内容枯燥  PAGEREF _Toc398750241 \h 2 3、积极性不高  PAGEREF _Toc398750242 \h 2 二、关于词义的古今差异问题  PAGEREF _Toc398750243 \h 3 1、因不明古汉语词义而误用,造成误解词义或词不达意  PAGEREF _Toc398750244 \h 3 2、因不明古汉语词义而误用,造成表达上的矛盾  PAGEREF _Toc398750245 \h 4 3、因不明古汉语词义而重复,造成语言啰嗦  PAGEREF _Toc398750246 \h 4 4、因不明古汉语词义而误写,造成表达不当  PAGEREF _Toc398750247 \h 4 三、古汉语教学中激发兴趣的措施  PAGEREF _Toc398750248 \h 5 1、拓展阅读,扩大视野  PAGEREF _Toc398750249 \h 5 2、古今对照,比较求知  PAGEREF _Toc398750250 \h 5 3、探究文本“疑点”,加深理解  PAGEREF _Toc398750251 \h 5 4、学以致用,提高能力  PAGEREF _Toc398750252 \h 6 四、古汉语教学的目标和意义  PAGEREF _Toc398750253 \h 6 参考文献:  PAGEREF _Toc398750254 \h 8 致谢


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