Translation of Public Signs.pptx

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Translation of Public Signs

Translation of Public Signs;What are public signs?;Indicative Signs;Indicative Signs;This kind of public signs serve as a tool of conveying useful information, usually information of public service. ; Short and accurate description Explicit in meaning and easy to understand Avoid misunderstanding ;;Misunderstanding;Prompting Signs;Slogan;Translation of Prompting Public Signs;Grammatical Errors;“The protection of a pool of water, creating a quiet”;;Cautionary Signs;Watch Your Head Mind Your Head;Begin With “ Caution” 当心海浪 Caution! Waves! 小心脚下 Caution! Mind Your Step 小心电缆 Caution Overhead Cables 小心地滑 Caution Wet Floors;Begin With “ Beware” 当心有蛇 Beware of Snakes 当心低飞飞机 Beware of Low Flying Aircrafts 当心行进车辆 Beware of Moving Vehicles 当心坠落 Beware of Falling 当心扒手 Beware of Pickpockets;Begin With “ Danger” 危险!高度易燃物品! Danger! Highly Flammable Material 危险!深水区 Danger! Deep Water 危险!薄冰 Danger! Thin Ice 当心触电 Danger! High Voltage 危险!不要在悬挂物下停留! Danger! Stand Clear of Suspended Load!;Translation of Cautionary Public Signs;Restrictive Signs;限高4.5米 Restricted Height 4.5 M;限速60公里 Speed Limit 60km/h;Other Restrictive Public Signs 送客止步 Passengers Only 顾客止步/ 非公勿入 Staff Only 凭票入场 Ticket Only 残疾人通道 Hadicapped Only;Translation of Restrictive Public Signs;谢绝还价 No Bargain 谢绝更换 No Exchange;Mandatory Signs;Translation of Mandatory Public Signs;No+Noun;No+Doing;;Imperative Sentences;公示语翻译技巧;一、 大量使用祈使句; 二、忠实性原则 ;三、简洁性原则;四、 名词、动词、动名词、 词组、短语、缩略语、文字与标志组合 ;公示语翻译策略;直译法;意译法;视角转移法;增译法;减译法;Thanks for Watching!


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