Unit 1 Friendship warming up - Language points.ppt

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Unit 1 Friendship warming up - Language points

Words and phrases;(一)词义配对 1.upset    A.take no notice of (sb./sth.) 2.calm B.unhappy and worried 3.outdoors C.not excited, or nervous 4.ignore D.a person who takes part in an activity with another or others 5.partner E.in the open air ;1.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt. 使不安;使 心烦;打翻;打扰;扰乱 (一)背诵佳句培养语感;(1)be/get upset about/at   对……感到不安 (2)upset sb. 使某人心烦意乱 upset the plan 打乱计划;①He was upset about not being invited to attend the wedding. 没邀请他去参加婚礼,他很不高兴。 ②Losing the necklace upset her completely. 她把项链弄丢了,这使她心烦意乱。 ③Our plans by the sudden change in the weather. 由于天气的突然变化,我们的计划被打乱了。;形 象 记 忆;2.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视 (一)背诵佳句培养语感;ignore ones advice/mistakes  忽视某人的建议/过错 ignore traffic rules 忽视交通规则;①The boss of the company had ignored his friends advice, which led to the failure of his business. 这家公司的老板忽视了朋友的建议,这导致了他生意的失败。 ②You should not if you want to make greater progress. 如果想取得更大进步,你不应该忽视错误。 ③It is dangerous to ignore traffic rules. 忽视交通规则是很危险的。; [语境串记] 他不理睬医生的忠告,所以他现在不知道自己的严重病情,也就是说,他不知道自己处于危险之中。 He the doctor’s advice, so he is his serious illness now; that is to say, he is that he is in danger now.;3.calm vt. vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静 的;沉着的 (一)背诵佳句培养语感;calm down     平静下来 calm sb. down 使某人平静下来;使某人镇定下来 keep calm 保持镇静;①Calm down! There is nothing to worry about. 镇静下来!没有什么可担心的。 ②He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 他深深地吸了几口气,使自己平静下来。 ③You must in face of danger. 面对危险你必须保持镇静。 ;[联想发散] 请汉语提示完成下列短语。 ①keep       保持镇静(别慌) ②keep 保持安静(别吵) ③keep 保持沉默(别说话) ④keep 保持静止(别动);4.concern (教材P1原句)You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then. 你会告诉你的朋友你很关心他(或她),下课后你们 会见面交谈。;(1)vt.(使)担忧;涉及;为……担心;关系到(通常用于被 动语态) ①What c


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