U4P1 Warming up必修三.ppt

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U4P1 Warming up必修三

英语课标教学课件;Astronomy: the science of the stars;astronomy system solar system religion;1. To learn the basic knowledge about solar system 2. To define “astronomy” 3. To learn the basic knowledge about astronomy;Solar System;In our solar system eight planets circle around the sun. ;金星是美和爱的女神,之所以会如此命名,也许是对古代人来说,它是已知行星中最亮的一颗。;What is the universe and astronomy? Could you find some words to describe them?;What is the universe?;Astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects (天体) (such as moons, planets, stars, nebulae (星云), and galaxies); the physics, chemistry, and evolution of such objects.;1. How did the universe form? 2. How did life begin on Earth? ;Big Bang Theory ;自从达尔文创立生物进化论后,多数人相信人类是生物进化的产物,现代人和现代类人猿有着共同的祖先。后来,恩格斯提出了劳动创造人类的科学理论,指出古代的类???猿最初成群地生活在热带和亚热带森林中,后来一部分古猿为寻找食物下到地面活动,逐渐学会用两脚直立行走,前肢则解放出来,并能使用石块或木棒等工具,最后终于发展到用手制造工具。与此同时,在体质上,包括大脑都得到相应发展,出现了人类的各种特征。;Is there any intelligent life on other planets or our planet?;As far as we know, the earth is the only planet that supports life.;Suppose you are an astronomer, one day you come across an alien whose spaceship has broken down, what would you do? What would you say? Just use your imagination and write down a short play with your partner and perform it.;Act 1, Scene 1 ;Homework


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