unit 4-astronomy-period 2.ppt

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unit 4-astronomy-period 2

Period 2 Learning about Language and Using Language;Part 1 theory Astronomy multiply Oxygen fundamental religion chain system ;II 1.violent 2.unlike 3.harmful 4.puzzled;III 1.gave birth to a healthy baby 2.prevent the disease from spreading 3.came in time to save his life 4.life exists on Mars 5.in their turn 6.thus she got high marks;A cloud of dust;;Insects and amphibians;Man had evolved from apes. ;1.pull n.vt.拉,拖;牵引力;拔出 As the rocket rose into the air,we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earths gravity. 随着火箭升空,我们被重重地推回到座位上,因为我们正尽力摆脱地球的引力。;【辨析】 pull/draw/drag (1)pull与push相对,普通用语,指用力拉,但不强调力的大小。 (2)draw比pull较为正式,指不管力的大小,不如drag吃力,比较平稳、从容。常用于比喻句中,指吸引注意力等。 (3)drag表示慢慢地、使劲地拖,尤指拖笨重的、阻力很大的东西。; 【拓展】 pull in进站停靠;驶向路边(或某处)停靠 pull off匆忙脱(衣服、鞋等) pull out离站;(使)摆脱困境 pull down拆毁;完成句子 ①The lorry driver ______ ______ to the side of the road. 卡车司机把车驶向路边。 ②The boy ______ his shirt ______ and threw it onto his bed. 这个男孩把衬衣一脱往他的床上一扔。 【答案】①pulled in ②pulled; off;2.crash v. (1)(交通工具)撞毁;猛撞 The car crashed into a tree and burst into flames. 汽车突然撞在一棵树上并燃烧起来。 (2)发生巨响;碰撞 A brick crashed through the window. 一砖块“哗啦”一声砸入了窗户。 Thunder crashed overhead. 头顶上雷声隆隆。;(3)(金融,商业,价格,业务,股票等)突然贬值;倒闭;失败;暴跌 The company crashed with debts of $50 million. 那家公司由于负债 5 000万美元而宣告破产。;完成句子 ①She ______ the glass angrily against the table.她愤怒地把玻璃杯摔碎在桌子上。 ②The driver ______ the bus through a brushwood.司机把公共汽车开进了灌木丛中。 ③His business ______ last year. 他的买卖去年倒闭了。 【答案】①crashed ②crashed ③crashed;3.float vi.vt.(使)浮动,(使)漂浮n.漂浮物 The little girl watched the balloon float up into the sky. 那个小女孩看着气球飘上了天空。; 完成句子 ①Patches of weeds ________ on the water. 一片片的水草漂浮在水面上。 ②It______ ______ in water, if there was a tub large enough to hold it. 如果有一个足够大到能放下它的盆,它会浮在水面上的。 【答案】①float ②could float ;4.gentle adj. (1)温和的;文雅的 I like his gentle and mild voice. 我喜欢他那温和而轻柔的声音。 My son was a quiet and gentle man who liked sports and enjoyed life. 我儿子是个安静温和的人,喜欢运动和享受生活。;(2)轻声的;和缓的 When you are relaxed, yo


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