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上一页;Unit3: Grammar 现在完成时;现在完成时;春天还会远吗 ? can spring be far behind?;Mother: John, clean your teeth please.; 现在完成时的构成;present(now);;4. He has been to China, ____ ____? (写出反义疑问句部分);eg. Has he gone to the library ? 他是去了图书馆吗? Yes ,he has. 是的,是去那里了。 No, he hasn’t. 不,他没去那里。 How long has Mrs Smith been in Beijing? Smith夫人来北京多长时间了? ;现在完成时的主要用法;(a) already 往往用于肯定句,用在疑问句时表示强 调或加强语气;yet 用于否定句和疑问句;(b) just表示“刚刚”;2.表示过去已经开始, 持续到现在的动作或状态, 常与“for?+段时间或“since+点时间”;3.表示人曾有过或到目前为止从未有过的经历,常与never,ever连用。;现在完成时的时间状语;since: (自…以来) 1)since+时间点 He?has?stayed?here?since?5?o’clock. 2)since+ 时间段+ ago He?has?stayed?here?since?5?hours?ago. 3)since+ 从句 She?has?taught?English?since?he?came?here. for: (长达) for+ 时间段 He has kept the book for 2 weeks.;;上一页;动 词 填 空: 1._____ you ________(clean) the room? 2.______ he ______(see) this film yet? Yes. 3. How many times _____you______(be) there? ;4. I __________ (read) the novel twice. It’s interesting. 5. She _________(go) to Pairs, hasn’t she? Yes. How ______ she _______(go) there? She _______(go) there by air. 6. So far, many countries _______________(develop) their software programs. ;选用 for和 since填空: 1.We haven’t seen each other ______ a long time. 2.His father has been in the Party ______ 10 years ago. 3.The film has been on ______ 20 minutes. 4.Mr Green has worked here ______ he came to China. 5.His grandparents have been dead ______ several years. 6. It’s five years _______ we met last time.;用Have been to, have gone to, have been in 填空;The house is dirty. We _______it for weeks.? A didn’t clean B hadn’t cleaned C don’t clean D haven’t cleaned 2. ---____the sports meeting might be put off.? ---Yes, it all depends on the weather.? A I’ve been told B I’ve told C I’m told D I told 3. ---- I’m sorry to keep you waiting.? ----Oh, not at all. I _____here only a few minutes.? A have been B had been C was D will be ?4. You don’t need to describe her. I _______ her several times


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