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warmming up and reading

;music;II. Match the explanation of the music styles with their names.;A traditional Christmas song sung by a group of people on Christmas Day.;1. Do you like music? How does music make you feel? 2. What kind of music do you like: Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? ; Do you know any famous bands? List some if you do.;;Big Bang;THE BAND THAT WASN’T;Read the text quickly and find out the main idea of the passage. The passage is about __________. A. why people form a band. B. how a band is formed. C. why the Monkees is formed. D. how the Monkees is formed and how it develops . ;;;Read the first paragraph and find out how many questions the author asks and what they are. Four questions. 1.Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician? 2.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? 3.Do you sing karaoke and pretend (that) you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? 4.How do people form a band? ;Para 2;The band began as a TV show. The musicians just played music. The other three members of the band were actors instead of musicians. As the organizers planned, the four musicians could act as well as sing.;How did the Monkees perform at the very beginning? ;How did the Monkees perform after a year or so?;The Monkees is made of a band of four _________, who _____________each other as well as played music. They gave so good __________ that their fans supported them fiercely. A year _____ they became more serious about their work, The Monkees ____________________ and played their own music. The band ________ in about 1970, but _________in the mid-1980s.


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