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Walt Whitman (1819-1892);Life;Born in a working-class family, son of a carpenter At four, family moved to Brooklyn, New York Attended public school Apprenticed to a printer Returned to Long Island in 1835 and taught in country schools Edited a newspaper, the Long-Islander, in Huntington Back to New York City to work as a printer and journalist Experienced various jobs Began writing a new kind of poetry (free verse);Whitmans democratic ideals individualism;The themes in Whitmans poetry;America’s first “poet of democracy” Walt Whitman was an American poet, essayist, journalist, and humanist. Proclaimed the greatest of all American poets by many foreign observers a mere four years after his death. His Leaves of Grass has always been considered a monumental work. It commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals. He is the poet of the common people and the prophet and singer of democracy. ;Influences the 20th century world literature: His works is part of western culture / many poets in France, Italy, England, and Latin America are in his debt. His poetry also influences modern American poets such as Pound, T.S. Eliot, Hart Crane, Carl Sandburg. ;The first person narrator: “I” the subject in the poem, “you” the reader Invites us to participate in the process of sympathetic identification. Style: free verse ;Rhyme a rhythm of thought cadences of his feeling Parallelism To repeat the idea in the lines with minor changes in wording (the line is the rhythmical unit) Phonetic recurrence Repetition of the first words and phrases ;works ;Leaves of Grass;Leaves of Grass;Leaves of Grass;Song of Myself;Drum Taps; Thank you!.


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