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参考文献的基本格式标准 一、论文正文中的参考文献标注方式 1、论文中注明参考文献作者时,只列出相关作者的姓氏,中文姓名也用拼音列出其姓氏。当引用的作者是一位时,按下列方式列出: Long (1991) argues that …. Zhang (2001) argues that … 当引用的作者为二至三位时,按下列方式列出: Perkins and Gass (1996) argue that…. Zhang, Li and Wang (1996) argue that … 当引用的作者超过三位时,只列出第一位作者,其他的作者用缩写et al.表示: Sanders et al. (1992) studied coherence relations …. 2、需要注明参考文献的具体页码时使用冒号,冒号和页码之间空一格: Messick (1989: 20) presents … Hu (1994: 5-6) points out that … 3、? 直接引用文献时,如所引用的内容超过50单词,应另起一段,左右缩进两个字符: Lorenz (1999: 55) voiced a very similar view that because in written communication, coherence cannot be explicitly negotiated face-to-face between text producer and text receiver, writers therefore have every reason for trying to be unequivocal and to make their ideas, intentions and arguments unmistakably clear. One way of doing this is to carefully signal logical relations and thereby ‘signpost’ the path to coherence for the reader. Consequently, when looking at the fabrication of coherence in written discourse, we need to pay special attention to those explicit signposts of coherence, i.e. the text’s cohesive ties. 4、在句尾注明参考文献作者时,句号应在括号之外。直接引用部分用斜体字表示(一般不在论文中用引号)。作者人数多于三人时采用et al.缩写表示。例如: The first criticism is that the text-based researchers choose to study the text itself for methodological convenience (Givón 1995: 59). During the 1970s there were considerable moves within language teaching to embrace the communicative approach (Brumfit et al. 1979: 21). 5、引用间接材料 If construct validity is seen as … in the short run (Shepard 1993: 444, cited in Chapelle 1998). 6、引用中文文献 在英文论文中引用中文文献,要按英文论文的引文格式注明作者和出处。比如: For example, text studies in the 1960s and early 1970s were more or less concerned with text grammar and textual grammaticality (Hu 1994: 5-6). These scholars chose to study coherence as a social phenomenon, rather than a mental phenomenon (Zhu Yan 2001). 7、引用多篇参考文献时,作者按姓氏字母顺序排列 The situation with accuracy is not so clear. Some studies (e.g., Foster Skehan 1996; Mehnert 1998; Skehan Foster 199


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