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铝板表面的清洗问题 张 庆 生 (开封东京空分集团有限公司,河南省开封市北关街8号 475001) 摘要: 在空分设备中,精馏塔部分塔内工作温度为-180℃,由于铝材的低温性能,因而全部采用铝材,而铝板清洗成为了突出问题,铝板清洗的目的是为铝板形成表面氧化层及铝板之间的焊接创造良好的表面条件。但在铝板焊接加工过程中常发现,焊缝表面存在气孔、夹渣、未焊透等现象,找其原因主要是铝板清洗后表面不清洁,经过试验,确定试验后的清洗方案。文章详细叙述了清洗工步及配方,最后总结了铝板清洗过程中的注意事项。 关键词: 铝材的低温性能;配料;清洗;腐蚀量;清洗时间;腐蚀速度 The clean of the aluminum plank surface problem Zhang Qing-sheng (Kaifeng Dongjing Air Separation Group Co., Ltd., 8# Beiguan Street, Kaifeng 475001, Henan, P. R. China) Abstract: In the empty cent equipments, fines distiling the tower work temperature inside parts of towers is-180℃, because of the low temperature function of the aluminum material, as a result all adoption aluminum materials, but the aluminum plank cleaned to become an outstanding problem, the aluminum plank clean of the purpose is for the aluminum plank to become a that the surface oxidizes a layer and the aluminum plank to weld to create a good surface condition.But often discover in the aluminum plank weld process the process, the Weld sews surface existence pore,clip a residue,dont Weld deeply etc. phenomenon, seek its reason mainly is the aluminum plank to clean and sweep after the surface, has been experiment, after making sure to experiment of clean a project, the article describes to settle to wash the work step and formulation in detail, tallying up the aluminum plank to clean the regulation in the process finally. Keywords: The low temperature function of the aluminum material;Go together with to anticipate;Clean;Decay quantity;Clean time;Decay speed —————— 在空分设备中,精馏塔部分塔内工作温度为-180℃,由于铝材的低温性能(铝材用于压力容器的最低温度-269℃),因而全部采用铝材,铝板清洗成为了突出问题,铝板清洗是为了去除其表面的油封、油垢、斑锈等杂质及氧化膜,为铝板形成表面氧化层及铝板之间的焊接创造良好的表面条件。 但在铝板焊接加工过程中常发现,焊缝表面存在气孔、夹渣、未焊透等现象,找其原因主要是铝板清洗后表面不清洁,还留有油斑,碱斑及大面积的水迹、黄斑点、黑斑点等,经过分析,发现配方有问题,由于铝是比较活泼的金属,其标准电极电位(-1.67V),铝是易钝化金属,在空气极易钝化,表面生成一层致密而坚硬的氧化物(Al2O3)薄膜,该薄膜很容易吸收水分,它不仅妨碍焊缝的良好熔合,而且易生成气孔和夹渣,从而降低了焊缝的力学性能。因而增加了去除氧化膜清洗液,即:16~21 % 的硫酸(H2SO4)和3% 的氟化钠(NaF ),使其与氧化膜发生化学反应,生成易熔的物质,表面露出金属光泽。同时加大清洗液的配方比例后,厚的铝板清洗问题解决了,而对于1.5


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