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Subjunctive Mood 虚拟语气;;二、祈使语气(The Imperative Mood) 用来表示请求、邀请、命令、警告或劝告等。 Wait outside until you are asked . Let‘s just take a break, shall we ?; The Subjective Mood 虚拟语气;;; 与过去事实相反 ;与将来事实相反 ;虚拟语气的几种特殊用法;陈述语气与虚拟语气 典型例题 1) The volleyball match will be put off if it _____.  A. will rain  B. rains  C. rained  D. is rained 2) --- Would you have called her up _____ possible? --- Yes, but I _____ busy doing my homework. A. had it been … was B. if it was … were C. if it had been … had been D. if it were … would be ;; 含蓄条件句就是虚拟条件暗含在短语或上下文中,从句不表现出来。;③有时条件从句中的动作和主句中的动作发生的时间不一致,(错综时间条件句)如: If he had followed the doctor’s advice, he would be quite all right now. ;、时间错综句 假设条件从句谓语动词发生的时间与主句所假设的谓语动词不一致,叫做错综条件虚拟语气。主句和从句的谓语动词要依照假设的时间而定。 ;Without electricity human life _______ quite different today.     A. is    B. will be  C. would have been D. would be ;Practice: ①假如你接受了我的意见,你现在就会好的多。 ; 经典题目 1. If you _____ him yesterday, you _____ what to do now. asked … would know had asked … would have known C. asked him … know D. had asked … would know 2. What would have happened, _____ as far as the river bank? A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther ;高考题点击 3 You didn’t let me drive. If we ____ in turn, you ____ so tired. A. drove…didn’t get B. had driven…wouldn’t have got C. drove…wouldn’t get D. were driving…wouldn’t get 4 It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _____ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. (02 上海) A. wouldn’t have fallen B. had not fallen C. should fall D. were to fall;二. 虚拟语气特殊句型: ;2. would rather that;记住; 1. How I wish every family _____ a large house with a beautiful garden! (02 上海) A. has B. had C. will have D. had had 2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it l


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