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11位名人留给世界的最后一句话 Dying never sounded so good. Learn about the last words of some of historys notable characters, and the context surrounding them. 死亡从来都不是什么好事。今天我们一起来听听历史上一些名人在临死之前留给这个世界的最后一句话吧。 One Last Drink, Please. “最后一杯,谢谢。” Jack Daniel (1850-1911) 杰克·丹尼尔(1850-1911) Jack Daniel was an American distiller and founder of Jack Daniels Tennessee whiskey distillery. 杰克?丹尼尔是美国的一位酿酒师,也是杰克·丹尼尔田纳西威士忌酒厂的创始人。 Daniel died of blood poisoning in Lynchburg in 1911. Rumor has it that he contracted an infection from kicking his safe in anger when he could not get it open. However, multiple biographers have refuted this claim. 丹尼尔1911年在林奇堡死于血液感染。有传言称,丹尼尔是在临死前几天因无法打开保险箱所以生气地用脚踢了它而导致了感染,但是很多传记记者都否认了这种说法。 Last Words Are for Fools Who Havent Said Enough. “那些还没说够的蠢人才需要留遗言。” Karl Marx (1818-1883) 卡尔·马克思(1818-1883) Karl Marx was a significant German political theorist, philosopher and economist. He is perhaps best known for his works The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital (1867). 卡尔·马克思,德国伟大的政治家、哲学家和经济学家。他最有名的著作当属《共产党宣言》(1848)和《资本论》(1867)。 Marx died of complications from a catarrh that he developed in 1881. His last words were last words are for fools who havent said enough. 马克思1881年死于结膜炎引起的并发症。他生前最后一句话是“那些还没说够的蠢人才需要留遗言。” It Was the Food. “都怪吃的。” Richard Harris (1930-2002) 理查德·哈里斯(1930-2002) Richard Harris was an Irish singer, actor and film star. He is known for his roles in films like Camelot (1967) and as Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. 理查德·哈里斯,爱尔兰人,歌手、演员、电影明星。哈里斯曾主演过电影《凤宫劫美录》(1967),并在《哈利·波特》系列电影中饰演魔法校长邓布利多。 Harris died from pneumonia resulting from Hodgkins disease, and died in 2002 at the age of 72. His last words were It was the food. 哈里斯2002年死于淋巴肿瘤引起的肺炎,享年72岁。他去世前的最后一句话是“都怪吃的”。 Kurt Russell. “库尔特·拉塞尔” Walt Disney (1901-1966) 沃尔特·迪士尼 Walt Disney was an American business magnate, artist, cartoonist, screenwriter, philanthropist and voice actor. His name was also given to numerous theme parks around the


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