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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 雅思考试提分必备九大词汇 雅思词汇对于雅思考试有很重要的作用,所以大家一定不要放弃对 于雅思词汇学习的想法,智课留学小编总结出九个雅思考试必备的雅思 词汇,下面为大家分享一下,供大家参考学习,希望可以帮助大家提高 雅思考试成绩,大家想了解更多信息请关注智课留学。 下面就是智课留学小编为大家分享的九个雅思词汇,大家在雅思词 汇学习时可以参考一下,希望可以帮助大家提高雅思考试成绩。 1.rewarding 有回报的 2.satisfying 满意的 “I have a rewarding job.” “My career has been satisfying for several reasons.” “My time in Sydney has been rewarding.” Q:Do you prefer to work for a large or small company? A:“It is for this reason that I feel working for a large company is more satisfying than working for a small company.” 正式因为这样,我觉得在大公司工作要比在小公司工作更令人满意 。 3.merit 优点,同义词benefit, advantages “Thus, the argument that governments should be responsible for the diets and exercise levels of citizens holds merit.” 政府应该为饮食以及提升市民的运动水平的观点更有优势。 4.optimal 最适合的,最优的,最稀饭的 Q: At what time of the day are you most productive? “My optimal work time is in the morning. It is when my mind is clearest and I can...” 我最喜欢的工作时间是早上。早上我的头脑最清醒。。。 “The second pie chart illustrates optimal weightings of fat, carbohydrates and protein for men aged 50 and older.” 第二张饼图描述的是50岁以及50岁以上男士的最适合的脂肪,碳水 化合物和蛋白质的摄入量。 Alternatives for “faster/slower” 更快/更慢的替换词 5.accelerate 加速 “The clubs I joined at university accelerated my studies.” 我大学时加入的那些俱乐部促进了我的学习。 “Careers in high tech are typically accelerated in my hometown as many young people engage internships at the nearby tech park.” 我家乡的高科技产业明显加速,越来越多的年轻人都在附近的科技 园实习工作。 “Growth of laptop sales accelerated between 2002 and 2004.” 2002年到2004年笔记本电脑的销量加速上涨。 Young people learn more and at an accelerated speed through the use of technology. 年轻人学习和使用科技的速度越来越快了。 6.retard 减慢 “For example, libraries that do not electronically index their resources retard the rate at which a student can access information.” 比如说,图书馆不使用电子化索引会减慢学生获得资料的速度。 Alternatives for important/unimportant 重要/不重要的替换词 7.key “The wedding pla


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