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非政府组织论文:现阶段中国非政府组织的角色合理定位研究 【中文摘要】二十世纪七十年代以来,在全球化与多极化的国际格局背景下,改革开放所带来的巨大的经济效益、相对宽松的政治生态环境以及社会自治能力的逐渐增强带动了非政府组织在中国的滥觞与发展。目前,非政府组织已然成为中国社会生活中一支不可忽视的重要力量。于是,在社会转型的特殊历史时期,中国非政府组织的角色定位就成为社会公共领域的焦点之一。本文将非政府组织的角色定位于政府的合作者与竞争者。然而,由于现实环境、体制、文化等诸多因素的制约,中国非政府组织自身的生存与发展乃至功能发挥均遭遇了极大的瓶颈。事实上,在社会转型加剧和社会问题丛生的背景下,在由国家中心主义向福利多元主义迈进的路途中,中国政府发展之根本,不仅在于完善其自身,更在于结合市场与社会,创造一个有机与有效的治理结构。基于此,笔者试图通过对当下中国非政府组织的角色定位进行探索与分析,在借鉴国际经验的基础上,为促成非政府组织的健康发展并化解非政府组织与政府的关系梗阻提供一系列具有现实可操作性的对策路径,以期为我国政府与非政府组织的良性互动提供建议与借鉴。 【英文摘要】Since the 1970s, under the background of the international order of globalization and multipolarity. the enormous economic benefits, the relatively relaxed political environment and the gradual increase of social capacity for self-driven brought by the reform and opening up gave NGOs a beginning and development in China. At present, NGOs have become one of the most important forces in social life of China, which can not be ignored. Thus, the definition of the role of Chinese NGOs has become the focus in public spheres of society.This article defines the role of NGOs as partners and competitors of government. However, due to the real environment, institutions, culture and other factors, Chinese NGOs’own survival and development as well as functions have experienced a tremendous bottleneck. In fact, under the background of exacerbate social transformation and massive social problems, the key point of development of Chinese government is not only to improve its own, but also to combine the market with society in order to create an organic and effective governance structure in the road from state-centrism towards welfare pluralism. Therefore, the author tries to explore and analyse the definition of roles of Chinese NGOs and to provide a range of practically operational pathes for realizing the sound development of NGOs and resolving the obstructions of relationship between NGOs and the government on the basis of drawing inter


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