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中国最大的论文知识平台 内 容 摘 要 随着我国经济发展水平快速提高,人们对货物送达的时间要求越来越高。不仅传统的文件、包裹,而且越来越多的高价值、小批量、个性化的货物都成为快递的托寄物内容。因此我国快递业出现了国营、民营,以及外资企业相互竞争的市场状况。不管是国营类大型的快递企业如何在激烈的竞争中制定有效的策略,谋求长足发展,形成连通国内外的可与外资巨头抗衡的强大竞争实体。还是民营类中小型的快递企业如何解决成本问题和找准市场定位成为我国快递业业内人士的一个关注问题。本文分析了我国国内快递市场的发展及状况,针对国内快递市场的竞争现状,以及影响快递企业竞争力的三个主要因素:服务区域、服务价格和服务水平,提出了竞争战略(成本领先战略、差异化战略和集中化战略)的策略。通过战略管理来提高我国快递企业竞争力的关键途径。 关键词:快递、国内快递业、快递产品、竞争战略 ABSTRACT With the rapid increase in Chinas economic development level, it served the time the goods become increasingly demanding. Not only to traditional documents, parcels, and more and more high-value, low-volume, personalized care goods have become a courier sent material content. Therefore, our courier industry had owned, private, and foreign companies competing in the market conditions. Whether state-owned express delivery of large-scale enterprises in the fierce competition to develop effective strategies to pursue rapid development, the formation of domestic and international connectivity to contend with strong competition from giant foreign entities. Private classes or small and medium enterprises how to resolve delivery problems and identify the cost of market position as Chinas express delivery industry, an industry concern. This paper analyzes the domestic express market and the conditions for competition in the domestic express delivery market situation and affect the competitiveness of enterprises express the three main factors: the service area, service prices and service levels, proposed competitive strategies (cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy) strategy. Through strategic management to improve the competitiveness of Chinas express delivery business critical path. KEYWORDS:Express, The domestic express industry,The Express products, Competitive strategy 正文目录  TOC \o 1-3 \u 第一章 引言  PAGEREF _Toc263851950 \h 1 第一节 选题的背景与意义  PAGEREF _Toc263851951 \h 1 第二节 研究的基本内容与拟解决的主要问题  PAGEREF _Toc263851952 \h 2 第三节 研究的方法与技术路线  PAGEREF _Toc26


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