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外汇(foreign exchange): 外汇是以 HYPERLINK /view/33856.htm \t _blank 外币表示的用于 HYPERLINK /view/808661.htm \t _blank 国际结算的 HYPERLINK /view/3537177.htm \t _blank 支付凭证。 汇率(exchange rate?):亦称“ HYPERLINK /view/9970.htm \t _blank 外汇行市”或“ HYPERLINK /view/3750894.htm \t _blank 汇价”,是一国 HYPERLINK /view/1209612.htm \t _blank 货币兑换另一国货币的 HYPERLINK /view/376291.htm \t _blank 比率,是以一种货币表示另一种货币的价格。(In? HYPERLINK /wiki/Finance \o Finance finance, an?exchange rate?(also known as the?foreign-exchange rate,?fore x rate?or?FX rate) between two currencies?is the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another. It is also regarded as the value of one country’s currency in terms of another currency.) 直接标价法(Direct Quota-ation):用1个单位或100个单位的外国 HYPERLINK /view/26698.htm \t _blank 货币作为 HYPERLINK /view/742311.htm \t _blank 基准,折算为一定数额的本国货币. 在直接标价法下,外国货币作为 HYPERLINK /view/969534.htm \t _blank 基准货币,本国 HYPERLINK /view/26698.htm \t _blank 货币作为 HYPERLINK /view/4967877.htm \t _blank 标价货币;标价货币(本国货币)数额随着外国货币或本国货币币值的变化而变化.(A foreign exchange rate quoted as the domestic currency per unit of the foreign currency. In other words, it involves quoting in fixed units of foreign currency against variable amounts of the domestic currency.) 间接标价法(Indirect Quota-ation):又称应收标价法。是指以一定单位的本国 HYPERLINK /view/26698.htm \t _blank 货币为 HYPERLINK /view/742311.htm \t _blank 基准,将其折合为一定数额的外国货币的标价方法。即以本国 HYPERLINK /view/26698.htm \t _blank 货币作为 HYPERLINK /view/969534.htm \t _blank 基准货币,其数额不变,而 HYPERLINK /view/4967877.htm \t _blank 标价货币(外国货币)的数额则随本国货币或外国货币值的变化而改变。英国和 HYPERLINK /view/2398.htm \t _blank 美国都是采用间接标价法的国家。(A foreign exchange rate quoted as the foreign currency per unit of the domestic currency. In an indirect quote, the foreign currency is a variable amount and the domestic currency is fixed at one unit.) 升水(Premium):在货币市场中,升水是指 HYPERLINK /view/33922.htm \t _blank 远期汇率高于 HYPERLINK /view/33916.htm \t _blank 即期汇率。(The forward rate is above the spot rate)。 贴水


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