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中国机动车排放控制及燃油经济性 发展趋势 Progress on automobile emission control and fuel economy in China;提纲 Outline;中国机动车排放控制发展趋势 Progress on China’s vehicle emission control ;车油路一体 Vehicle, fuel and traffic as a whole system 排放标准不断加严 Tightening emission standards 目前全国汽油车国四,柴油车国四,北京、上海国五 Gasoline vehicle China 4, diesel vehicle China IV; Beijing, Shanghai China 5/V 2018年全国国五 China 5/V 2018 第六阶段标准制定中 China 6/VI to come 各污染物限值降低 Lowering limits 颗粒物数量下降 PN requirement;车油路一体 Vehicle, fuel and traffic as a whole system 油品标准和质量不断提升 Fuel quality improvement 目前全国汽油国四、柴油国三/四,北京、上海、南京、江苏等地国五 Gasoline China 4, diesel China III/IV; Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Jiangsu China 5/V 陕西国五 Shaanxi China 5/V 车柴国四 Vehicle diesel China IV/General diesel China III 京津冀、长三角、珠三角2016年国五 Areas around Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou China 5/V 2016 2018年全国国五 2018 China 5/V 北京、山东、合资加油站和品牌油添加清净剂Additization in certain areas and branded fuels 六阶段标准制定中 China 6/VI to come;车油路一体Vehicle, fuel and traffic as a whole system 试验工况更加具有实际交通路况代表性 Test cycles more representative 由目前的NEDC向FTP、WLTP转变 NEDC to FTP, WLTP 由目前的ETC、ESC、ELR增加WHTC和车载测试 ETC, ESC, ELR to WHTC and PEMS test 中国工况正在研究中 China cycle to come;蒸发排放控制加严 Tightening evap emissions 加油排放 Refueling emissions I、II阶段控制——车载加油回收 Stage I, II to ORVR 昼间排放+热浸+运行损失+泄漏+渗漏 Diurnal+hot soak+hot running+leak+permeation 24小时蒸发试验——2昼夜+3昼夜+碳罐微排放 24 hours test to 2DBL+3DBL+Bleed ;更加重视实际排放 Focusing more on real world emissions 生产一致性 COP 在用符合性 In-service compliance 耐久性 Durability 10万公里——24万公里 100k km to 240k km 车载诊断 OBD EOBD——OBDII IUPR 排放和油耗同时监管 Simultaneous supervision of emission and fuel consumption;中国机动车燃油经济性发展趋势 Progress on China’s vehicle fuel economy control ;单车油耗标准向企业平均油耗标准转变 Vehicle based to corporate average based requirement 第I、II阶段的单车油耗标准——第III、IV阶段的企业平均油耗标准 Vehicle based China I, II requirement to corporate average based China III, IV requirement CAFC/TCAFC ;激进的燃油经济性目标 Aggressive targets 国务院2012.6.28发布《节能与新能源汽车产业发展规划(2012—2020年)》 Planning of energy saving and new energy auto i


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