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PAGE  华南农业大学珠江学院 毕业论文 宋体, 二号, 加粗,居中。 An Analysis of the Ecological Crisis Reflected in the Films of 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, Japan SinksTimes New Roman, 三号, 居中, 加粗。 张晓晨仿宋_GB2312, 小三,居中。 指导教师: 李昭旭 (讲师) 系: 外国语系 年级专业: 2010级英语(英法双语)1班 提交日期: 2014年 5月10日 答辩日期: 2014年5月17日 答辩委员会主席(签名): 评阅人(签名): 仿宋_GB2312, 小三,下划线右对齐。 二〇一四年五月十日 Abstract:Time New Roman,小四, 加粗,缩进2个字符。 Ever since human being emerged on this planet, they have been in conflicts with nature. The history of the development of human civilization is also that of man’s increasing destruction of nature. As a result of science and technology revolution, humans gradually master the great technology and have power to put an end to all poverty, but they also possess the power to destroy the world, leaving it uninhabitable and lifeless. Although human being has created enormous wealth, but these are achieved at the cost to their living environment. The past several decades have witnessed such great changes in the environment that various problems and disasters appeared one by one. Ecological crisis, such as soaring population, unbalanced ecological system and natural resource shortage, continues to pose great threat to the human beings’ survival and development. The notion that people are blessed with an abundance of resources has led to the misuse and abuse of the resource. This paper aims at expounding the alerting functions of movies in politics, economy and culture by describing the ecological crisis in the films 2012, The Day after Tomorrow and Japan sinks...摘要正文:Time New Roman,小四,常规,1.5倍行距。 Key Words: Time New Roman,小四, 加粗,缩进2个字符。 conflicts, ecological crisis, films, alerting functions英文关键词用Time New Roman,小四, 常规, 关键词之间用逗号。 摘 要:宋体,小四,加粗,缩进2个字符。 自人类出现始,人类就与自然处在相互冲突之中。人类发展的文明史同样记载了人类破坏自然的历史。随着新科技革命的产生,人类逐渐掌握了强大的科技和力量,这些力量足以阻止人类一切的贫穷, 同时,也会毁灭世界,使其变成一个无法居住的不毛之地。尽管人类创造了


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