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PAGE  PAGE - 12 - 科类 经济学 编号(学号) 本科生毕业论文(设计) 大理市旅游业发展浅析 Analysis of the development of tourism in Dali City 指导教师: 职称: 学 院: 专 业: 年级: 论文(设计)提交日期: 答辩日期: 答辩委员会主任: 大理市旅游业发展浅析 摘 要 旅游业是高度综合性产业,与国民经济诸多行业相关联,旅游消费所具有的分散性,使旅游业对地方经济的影响往往融合在其他物质生产部门之中。大理市拥有得天独厚的旅游资源。优美的自然风光、众多的历史文化古迹、浓郁古朴的风情使大理市成为云南省旅游业起步最早的地区之一。从上世纪 8 0 年代中期至90 年代末,大理市旅游业一直高速发展,成为云南省旅游热点城市。但随着云南建设旅游大省战略的实施, 丽江、 香格里拉、保山等周边地区旅游热点逐步崛起,大理市旅游业开始遭遇到了前所未有的挤压和挑战。本文通过对大理市发展旅游业的历史发展过程的剖析,对其产生的经济影响力及推动地方经济发展的贡献进行评价,并对在大理市旅游业发展过程中存在的问题和带来的负面影响做深度分析,找出产生根源。并在提出大理市休闲旅游业的发展对策和建议的基础上,以充分的数据和实证证明发展旅游经济在拉动大理市地方经济社会发展的进程中是不可忽视的重点依靠产业。 关键词:大理市;旅游业;建议;对策 Analysis of the development of tourism in Dali City Abstract Tourism is a highly integrated, industry, and national economy industries associated with the dispersion, tourism consumption, tourism impact to local economy often fusion in other material production department.Dali has be richly endowed by nature tourism resources.The beautiful natural scenery, many historical and cultural monuments, rich ancient customs in Dali to become the Yunnan province tourism industry started one of the first regions.From go up century 80 time metaphase to 90 time end, Dali tourism industry has been rapid development, has become a popular tourist destination in Yunnan province city.But with the construction of Yunnan province tourism strategy, Lijiang, Shangri-La, Baoshan and other surrounding areas tourism hot spots gradually rise, Dali tourism industry has encountered hitherto unknown extruding and challenge.This article through to the Dali tourism development in the historical development process of analysis, the influence to the economy and to promote local economic development contribution were evaluated, and the Dali tourism development problems and negative effects do depth analysis, find out the root cause.And in put fo


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