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第 9 章 类的高级部分 ;主要内容;9.1 静态成员;9.1.1 静态数据成员 ;class StaticDemo { static int x ; int y ; public: void putx( int a){ x=a ; } void puty( int b ){ y=b ; } int getx( ) { return x ; } int gety( ) { return y ; } } ; int StaticDemo::x ; // 静态变量x将被StaticDemo类的所有对象共享,例如: StaticDemo obj1, obj2 ; obj1.putx(5) ; obj1.puty( l0 ) ; obj2.puty(20 ) ; cout x: obj1.getx( ) obj2.getx( ) endl ; cout y: obj1.gety( ) obj2.gety( ) endl ; ;9.1.2 静态函数成员 ;// budget2.h文件的内容 。 class Budget { static float corpBudget; float divBudget; public: Budget( ) { divBudget = 0; } void addBudget( float b) { divBudget += b; corpBudget += divBudget; } static void mainOffice( float ); float getDivBudget( ) { return divBudget; } float getCorpBudget( ){ return corpBudget;} };;// Contents of budget2.cpp #include budget2.h float Budget::corpBudget = 0 ; // Definition of static member function. void Budget::mainOffice(float moffice) { corpBudget += moffice; };//主程序pr9-2.cpp的内容 #include budget2.h“ void main( ) { float amount; int i; float bud; cout Enter main offices budget request: ; cin amount; Budget::mainOffice(amount); Budget divisions[4];; for ( i = 0; i 4; i++) { cout Enter the budget for Division ; cout (i + 1) ; cin bud; divisions[i].addBudget(bud); } cout \n Here are the division budget :\n; for ( i = 0; i 4; i++) { cout \t Division (i + 1) \t $ ; cout divisions[i].getDivBudget( ) endl; }; cout \t Total Requests: ; cout divisions[0].getCorpBudget( ) endl; };9.2 友元函数 ;【例9-3】求两个点之间的距离。 class Point { int xPos, yPos ; public: Point(int xx=0, int yy=0 ) { xPos=xx; yPos=yy; } int GetXPos( ) { return xPos; } int GetYPos( ) { return yPos; } friend double Distance(Point a, Point b); }; ;double Distance( Point a,


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