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Living well;Section Ⅱ  Learning about Language;课堂要点探究;课前新知预习;Ⅰ.词汇过关 1.________ v.废除;废止→________ n.废除;废止 2.________ v.辞职→__________ n.辞职 Ⅱ.短语自查 1.不必想____________ 2.记住……;记在心里____________ 3.辞去……的职务____________;Ⅲ.语法练习 1.Tom worked hard, only ________________(fail) again at last. 2.It is no good ________________(watch) too much TV for children. 3.Its good ________________(help) others when they are in trouble. 4.The man downstairs told the man upstairs not ________________(drop) his shoes onto the floor at midnight any more.;5.The goal of this activity is ________________(meet) the needs of common people. 6.Let me ________(hear) you ________(play) the violin. 7.The question is very difficult ________________(answer). 8.He was forced ______________(take) a position that was paid less money. 9.He pretended ________________(read) the text when I came in. 10.The snow seemed ________________(blow) from the top of the mountain.; 答案:1.to fail 2.watching 3.to help 4.to drop 5.to meet 6.hear; play 7.to answer 8.to take 9.to be reading 10.to have been blown;;1.abolish vt.废除;废止 ①Slavery was abolished in the U.S. in the 19th century. 美国的奴隶制在19世纪就已经被废除了。 ②Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished. 不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。 知识拓展 abolition n.废除;废止;比较网站 abolish和cancel ①This unreasonable tax should be abolished. 这种不合理的税应该取消。 ②All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather. 因为天气恶劣,所有的航班都被取消了。;活学活用 (1)用abolish或 cancel的适当形式填空 ①If the worst comes to the worst, well have to______our holiday plans. ②After New China was founded, the old system______and democratic reforms were carried out in one minority area after another. ③All that preparation was for nothing because the visit________.; 答案:①cancel 本题题意:要是情况不妙,我们就只好取消度假计划了。 ②was abolished 本题题意:新中国建立之后,少数民族地区先后实行了民主改革,废除了旧制度。 ③was cancelled 本题题意:因为访问取消了, 一切准备工作都白费了。; (2)He served 27 years in prison for fighting to________white-only rule. A.polish  B.punish C.abolish D.dominate 答案:C 句意:他因参加了废除白人专制统治的斗争而被判服刑27年。abolish在此是“废除”之意。;2.resign vi. vt.辞职;辞



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