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plateau sea plain mountain range waterfall bay gulf straits channel peninsula /pi`ninsjul?/ 半岛 Europe Niagara /nai`?g?r?/ the Thames /temz/ The Mediterranean /medit?`reinj?n/ ‘Sicily 西西里岛(地中海之最大岛屿) Arabia /?`reibj?/ 阿拉伯半岛 the Suez /`sju(:)iz/ the Gobi Tibet the Nile Tonkin /`t?n`kin/ 越南北部某地区名称 the Alps the Pacific Balkan /`b?:lk?n/ 巴尔干半岛 the Grand Canyon /`k?nj?n/ the Ganges /`g?n?i:z/ 恒河 Superior /sju:`pi?ri?/ Gibraltar /?i`br?:lt?/ the Danube /`d?nju:b/ the Amazon Malacca /m?`l?k?/ the Himalayas /him?`lei?z/ 喜马拉雅山脉 be situated in have a land area of xxx extend stretch be bordered by vi. 1.和…接界, be flanked by n.侧面;身体的两侧 v.在…之旁 be scattered over 驱散 be dotted with vt. 1.打点于 2.散布于 southernmost最南的, westernmost, northernmost, easternmost in the east (S,N,W) on the coast of xxx next only to from xxx to xxx the ‘confluence of the xxx and xxx rivers n.合流,汇流 land border (long) land area (sq. km) territorial waters land territory 领土 harbor港口 port the Pacific Ocean Helong River Mohe Zengmu Reef 暗礁 Pamirs [the ~]帕米尔高原((亚洲中部的高原,有世界屋脊之称)) Mongolia 蒙古 Kazakhstan 哈萨克 Kirghizia 吉尔吉斯人,吉尔吉斯语 Tadzhiskitan 塔吉克 Afghanistan 阿富汗 Pakistan 巴基斯坦 Nepal 尼泊尔 Bhutan 不丹 Burma (Myanmar的旧称)缅甸 Laos 老挝国 Viet Nam Republic of Korea Philippines 菲律宾 Malaysia 马来西亚 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 green tea black tea oolong tea herbal tea fruit tea Jasmine tea milk tea salty milk tea lemon tea iced tea chrysanthemum tea Gongju tea caffeine-free tea cherry blossom tea


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