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陕西中医学院本科毕业(设计)论文 某市2004-2008年艾滋病疫情分析  PAGE 6  PAGE 5 某市2004~2008年艾滋病疫情分析 一、中英文摘要及关键字 【摘要】目的:分析某市艾滋病疫情,了解疫情特点和趋势,为制定本地区预防和控制艾滋病的工作重点提供依据。方法:对某市的艾滋病报告、监测和专题调查等资料进行统计分析。结果:感染者以男性为主,但男女性别比为1.24∶1,实质无明显差异;感染者以25~39岁年龄组的青壮年为主, 占56.52%;感染者以农民为主为47.83%。结论:某市的艾滋病疫情呈逐年上升趋势, 应加大对市内人群高危行为干预,推广使用安全套, 阻断经性途径的传播;加强对本市人口的监测和检测工作,早期发现和管理传染源。某市艾滋病的流行形势非常严峻,必须尽快采取有效的预防控制措施,减缓艾滋病在某市的流行速度。 【关键字】获得性免疫缺陷综合证;疫情监测;疫情分析 Analysis on the epidemic status of AIDS in Xianyang City from 2004 to 2008 Abstr act Objective :The present study was conducted to analyze the epidemic status of AIDS in X City, get the knowledge of the characteristics and tendency of the epidemic status and provide basis for establishing the emphases to prevent and control AIDS in the region. Methods: Statistically analysis was made based on the data such as AIDS reports, surveillance,and special topic survey in X City. Results: The infected cases were mostly males (covering 55.43%), but the infection rates between males and females were becoming similar gradually. The cases were mainly young persons at the age from 25 to 39 (covering 56.52%). The infected cases were mainly famers(covering 47.83%).Conclusion The epidemic status of AIDS in X City still increased, so intervention for high risk behaviors of the natives and the population the city should be enhanced. Condom should be generalized to block the route of sexual transmission. In order to find and manage the source of infection early, surveillance and examination of population the city should be strengthened. Effective prevention and control measures should be implemented as soon as possible to contain the spread of HIV/ AIDS in X City. Key words AIDS;surveillance of epidemic status;analysis on epidemic status 二、前言 某市自2004年开始监测HIV/AIDS(艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病者)以来,至2008年底,全市已发现并报告HIV/AIDS(艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病者)92例。为了解某市HIV/AIDS(艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病者)的流行现状及预测流行趋势,为制定防治对策提供科学依据,对某市HIV/AIDS(艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病者)监测结果进行了简要的分析,现将结果报告如下。  三、正文 1.材料与分析方法 1.1 资料来源 某市2004~2008年报告的HIV感染者,AIDS病例和死亡资料。各医疗



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