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Chapter 1 General psychology(普通心理学):a branch of psychology which study the most common and principles and rules of humans,normal behaviors and thinking. Intorspection (内省法):a method of self-observation in which participants report their thoughts and feelings. Longitudinal study(纵向研究法):research method in which data is collected about a group of participants over a number of years to assess how certain characteristics change or remain the same during development. Cross-sectional study(横向研究法):research method in which data is collected from groups of participants of different ages and compared so that conclusions can be drawn about differences due to age. Five steps of the scientific(研究心理学科学方法的五个步骤):  EQ \o\ac(○,1)Ask a question or identify(鉴定) a problem. EQ \o\ac(○,2)From a hypothesis(假设). EQ \o\ac(○,3)Test the hypothesis and collect data.(experiments) EQ \o\ac(○,4)Analyze the results of your test. EQ \o\ac(○,5)Draw conclusions. Methods of research(心理学的研究方法): EQ \o\ac(○,1)Naturalistic observation(自然观察法) EQ \o\ac(○,2)Case Study(个案研究法) EQ \o\ac(○,3)survey(调查法) EQ \o\ac(○,4)Longitudinal study(纵向研究法) EQ \o\ac(○,5)Cross-sectional study(横向研究法)⑥Correlations and explanations(相关研究和实验研究)⑦Experiment(实验法) Chapter 3 Sensation Sensation(感觉):an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation.人脑对直接作用于感觉器官的客观事物的个别属性的反映。 What is our vestibular sense? SenseStimulus (刺激)Sense Organ (感觉器官)Receptor (感受器)Sensation (感觉)SightLight wavesEyeRods and cones of retinaColors,patterns,textures motion,depth in spaceHearingSound waveEarHair cells located in inner earNoises,tonesSkin sensationsExternal(外部) contact(接触)SkinNerve endings(神经末梢) in skinTouch,pain, warmth,coldSmellVolatile substances (易挥发物质)NoseHair cells of olfactory (嗅觉) membrane(膜)Odors(musky,flowery,burnt, minty)TasteSoluble substances??可溶解的物质)TongueTaste buds of tongueFlavors(sweet,sour,salty,bitterVestibular (前庭) senseMechanical (机械的)and gravitational(重力) forcesInner


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