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成绩等级 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 浅谈不同类型父母教养方式对3-6岁 幼儿性格发展影响 学 院 文学院 专 业 汉语言文学 班 级 1201 学 号 121080130135 学生姓名 王文洁 指导教师 禹薇 完成日期 2016年5 月8日 西安思源学院教务处制 二〇一 六 年 五 月  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 摘要 对于每一个人来说,父母的意义都是非常特殊的。父母是其成长过程中接触的最早,也是接触最多的,父母带给个体的影响也是巨大的。幼儿所接触的人群和环境范围是有限的,因此幼儿也具有极强的可塑造性。而3-6岁是幼儿生长发育的关键期,在这一时期,幼儿的生理心理,情感个性等方面都在不同程度的发展着,对于有可能影响幼儿一生的性格方面更是需要极其重视。在这一阶段,不同的父母采取的不同教养方式都会对幼儿此后的性格产生截然不同的影响。同时也启示教育着我们的家长,在孩子3-6岁的生长发育关键期,家长认识以及掌握正确恰当的教养方式是极其重要的。父母在孩子的性格塑造过程中起绝对的关键作用和榜样力量,平等的对待幼儿,给幼儿自由发展的机会,在适当的时期给予幼儿适当的帮助,才是培养幼儿外向,开朗良好性格的前提。 关键词:父母 教养方式 幼儿 性格 Abstract For every one of us, the meaning of the parents are very special. Parents are the earliest contact in the process of their growth, is also the most contact, parents to bring the influence of the individual is also huge. People and young children are exposed to environmental scope is limited, so the child also has the very strong plasticity. And 3-6 years old childrens growth and development is the critical period, during this period, childrens physiological and psychological, emotional character in the different levels of development, in such aspects as the likely impact on the childs life character is extremely to be paid more attention. At this stage, many different parents take a different upbringing of children since the character very different effect. Enlightenment education at the same time our parents, in children 3 to 6 years old the growth and development stage, parents know and master the right way is extremely important. Parents in the childs character development process model and the key role of absolute power, equal treatment of children, to childrens free development opportunity, at the right time to give children


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