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Unit 6;English news ;Test yourself;behave vt&vi napkin n roll n vi dessert n unfold vt lap n damp adj cloth n custom n starter n;pray vi course n breast n △tender adj flesh n bone n raise vt △sip vt&vi&n advice n △fashion n;△formal adj spirit n impolite adj mix vt wing n extra adj △comma n leave out;childhood n stare vi stare at make jokes about sb disabled adj;Key words;manners 礼貌、礼仪 have good / bad manners It’s good / bad manners to do sth table manners mind your manners sb has no manners remember your manners ;翻译: 她 的孩子们都很有礼貌。 Her children all had such good manners. 满嘴食物讲话是不礼貌的。 It’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full. 爸爸对我们长篇大论地讲了一番餐桌礼仪。 Dad gave us a lecture about our table manners.;你要注意点礼貌,年轻人! You mind your manners, young man! Some people have no manners . 有些人就是不懂礼貌。 ;cloth / clothes /clothing / clothe cloth 做衣服的布料 a suit made from wooden cloth clothes (没有单数形式)指穿的衣服 casual clothes change your clothes / change into dry clothes put on/ take off clothes I need some new clothes. ;clothing 指某一种衣服或服装的制作或销售时用clothing a clothing manufacturer 服装制造商 the basic necessities such as food and clothing warm / outdoor / waterproof clothing clothe v 给… 穿衣 be clothed in sth = be dressed in sth ;custom / customs / customer / consumer/ custom1 风俗、习惯、传统 local / ancient / French custom It’s the custom for sb to do sth 2 光顾,惠顾 an advertisement to attract more custom 3 adj(仅用于名词前) 定制的 ;customs (plural) 海关 You won’t be able to take that through customs. customs officers customer 顾客 客户 consumer 消费者 habit 习惯 good / bad habit be in the habit of doing sth / have a/ the habit of doing sth get into/ in the habit / get out of the habit develop / form / change /break /kick a habit ;habit / tradition/custom


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