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HOW TO WRITE PROFESSIONAL EMAIL;CONTENTS ? Introduction ? Requests ? Follow-up Emails ? Reminders ? Postponements;INTRODUCTION;BUSINESS EMAIL : REQUESTS;让我们一起来看一个典型的REQUESTS文件;BUSINESS EMAIL : FOLLOW-UP EMAILS;Offer an excuse for your reader’s failure to reply-- one that will allow him or her to save face for having failed to respond by the specified date or to acknowledge receipt of your request or message. Even a phrase such as, “Could you let me know the status of …” implies some progress. 例句 I can understand how busy you are this time of year, especially with budget reviews going on. However, I would really appreciate it if you could update me on the status of this order by Friday so that I can inform our customer.;Emphasize the critical need for a response. If you can, find reader incentive for the action. If appropriate, use the if-I-don’t-hear-from-you-by approach; state your next action if you get no response. In order to complete our customer’s order and deliver on schedule, I will need your reply by September 20 at the latest. If I don’t hear from you by October 20, I will assume that you are committed to the travel dates we set in last week Friday’s meeting (December 3-6 Shanghai;December 7-8 Beijing). ;EXAMPLE OF FOLLOW-UP EMAILS;BUSINESS EMAIL : REMINDERS;BUSINESS EMAIL : REMINDERS;BUSINESS EMAIL : REMINDERS;EXAMPLE OF REMINDERS;BUSINESS EMAIL : REMINDERS;IMPROVING YOUR BUSINESS ENGLISH SKILLS;THE END



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