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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 ******大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:贵阳市某大学培训综合楼空调及防排烟设计 学生姓名:** 学 号:*********** 专 业:建筑环境与设备工程 班 级:建环10-2班  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 9 贵阳市某大学培训综合楼空调及防排烟设计 摘 要 本设计为贵阳市某大学培训综合楼空调及防排烟工程,该工程地下一层为车库及设备用房,地上十一层,主要功能为报告厅、培训接待、展示、办公用房为一体的综合服务建筑综合建筑,空调面积为9889.3m2,建筑总层高为48.4m,总建筑面积为18562m2。 此次设计的内容主要包括:通过对建筑功能划分和使用要求,对办公、展厅、会议室等房间的空调及通风设计;冷冻机房冷热源及水系统设计;地下室、设备机房、车库通风作防排烟设计;消防电梯前室和楼梯间前室进行加压送风系统设计。结合房间的功能与用途,确定各房间的空调设计方案;查找工程所在地的气象设计参数和相关的设计标准。在设计过程中,寻找各厂家的空调设备的样本,了解本专业的科技水平,并遵循暖通空调设计的一般过程及所需遵守的法规,根据计算结果绘制相关工程图纸,并完成概预算。对设计过程进行分析,总结遇到的主要问题与设计工程中的实际问题。 关键词:负荷计算、防排烟、冷热源、机械加压送风 Abstract This project is the design of the HVAC engineering of a university training integrated building in Guiyang City. The ground floor of this building is the garage and equipment room. And there are eleven floors above which mainly include the lecture room, training and reception room, exhibition room and business offices. The overall floorage of this building is about 18562m2, the height is about 48.4m and the air-conditioned area is about 9889.3m2. The main content in this design includes that: the air conditioning and ventilating design of office, exhibition rooms, meeting rooms , base at the different functions and partitions of the building; the design of Cooling Heating Resource in equipment room and air conditioning water system; the ventilating and smoke preventing exhausting system design of the underground rooms and parking in the building; the pressurization air supply system of antechamber and stairwell. Choose the design standard and the alternatives of the project based on the preliminary analysis and search the local design parameters and design standard. Search the products of HVAC manufacturers and to be familiar with the up-to-date technology of O HVAC industry and comply with the laws and codes of the country through out the design process. Perform the drawing of this project with the results of the calculating and finish the economic bud


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