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如何写好正反观点式以论文;写正反观点式以论文时,一定要明确表明两方面的态度,且要有理有据。最后要旗帜鲜明的表明自己的态度,不能模棱两可,还要加上一两条论据(不能重复前文论据);1,定人称,定时态 人称常用第一人称和第三人称,时态常用现在时态。 2. 文章框架 首段:开门见山,点名讨论的话题。 主体段:分别陈述正反两方的观点(或事情的利弊)。 结尾段:表明自己的观点,并陈述理由。;段落填充;段落填充;段落填充;佳作模板;实战演练;便于和父母及朋友联系 It makes it more convenient for students to keep in touch with their parents and friends. 增加乐趣,丰富学生生活。 Using mobile phones can be fun, and enrich students lives. 分散注意力,不能集中精力学习 Students with mobile phones at school do not concentrate on studying during class, but play games or send text messages 花费高 It costs a lot to use a mobile phone. ; Recently more and more people are talking about whether it is reasonable for students to go to school with mobile phone. (主题)However, they usually have two different opinions. Some of them think going to school with mobile phone(正方观点) is their favorite. They say it makes it more convenient for students to keep in touch with their parents and friends.(理由一),and also using mobile phones can be fun, and enrich students lives.(理由二). ; others believe that using mobile phones may cause problems.(反方观点) . First, students with mobile phones at school do not concentrate on studying during class, but play games or send text messages instead(理由一). Besides, it costs a lot to use a mobile phone.(理由二). In my opinion, there is no denying that using mobile phones has its advantages, but Id stil prefer to use them at home.(个人观点). The reason is that if they need to use one, they could ask their teachers for help. Anyway, study should cone first.(原因). ;Today, more and more students go to school with mobile phones. Students attitudes towards this vary from person to person. Those who support this say that it makes it more convenient for students to keep in touch with their parents and friends. Moreover, using mobile phones can be fun, and enrich studentslives. However, other students hold the opposite opinion. They say that using mobile phones may cause problems. To begin with, students wit


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