如何背英文(多益) 单字(for pcstar) revised.doc

如何背英文(多益) 单字(for pcstar) revised.doc

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如何背英文(多益) 单字(for pcstar) revised

※ 以下例字皆為多益高頻率單字,請多益考生務必熟記。 ※ 單字量平常就要累積,單字記憶法才讓您學英文事半功倍。 ※ 此資料由師大進修推廣學院『多益實戰班鄧明怡老師』提供。 趣 味 聯 想 法 字 源 速 記 法 同 義 / 反 義 字 詞 類 變 化 法 混 淆 字 比 較 法 歸 類 法 特 殊 用 法 故 事 情 境 記 憶 法 adjacent 隔壁 聯想:音似『a Jason』。一位叫Jason的老外住我『隔壁』… Ex:The house adjacent to the nuclear facility was finally sold out. franchise 加盟權 聯想:音似 『French Fries』。要賣麥當勞『薯條』,就要跟他買『加盟權』… Ex:Our business has dramatically expanded through the sales of franchises. tenant 房客 聯想:惡劣房東的房子,沒人要住,裡面只住了『十隻螞蟻』(ten + ant) Ex:A number of tenants have been evicted for not paying their rent. hospitable 好客的 聯想:老師到同學家做客,因同學太『好客』hospitable,把老師餵得太飽了,隔天就被送到『醫院』hospital… Ex:He has the reputation of being a very hospitable person. 『cour / curs / cur /』表示『跑』 Ex: courier:cour (run) + ier (n. /人) 跑來跑去的那個人 → 快遞人員 excursion:ex (out) + curs (run) + ion (n.) 大家一起跑出去 → 員工旅遊 incur: in + cur (run) 跑進來 → 招致 currency:跑來跑去 / 換來換去 → 貨幣 主管head / manager / supervisor / chief / executive / director / superior 下屬subordinate / inferior 同事co-worker / colleague / associate 單字詞性同義字例句considerv.thinkI’m considering doing it again.considerateadj.thoughtfulHe’s considerate of everyone.considerableadj.greatHe made a considerable sum of money.considerablyadv.a lotIts considerably hotter today.considerationn.thoughtThank you for your consideration.consideringprep. in view ofConsidering the tight budget, I can’t go.  單字詞性同義字例句assetn.propertyShe’s a big asset to the company. assess v.judgeThe committee will assess how we can improve.assentv.agreeI won’t assent to his proposal.accessn.entryThe intern doesn’t have access to this computer.accentn.dialectShe spoke English with a Korean accent.excessadj.extraI work out every day to get rid of excess weight. -mark trademark 商標 / landmark 地標 / bookmark 書籤 / postmark 郵戳 benchmark 基準 -line headline 頭條 / outline 大綱 / guideline 指導方針 / skyline 天際 deadline 截止日 / airline 航空公司 / streamline 簡化 hotline 諮


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