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PAGE  PAGE 4 Visual Foxpro 实用教程部分习题答案 习题四(P128) 四、编程题 1. set talk off clea use N_list zap for i=1 to 20 input 请输入第+str(i,2)+个数: to x appe blan repl data with x next index on data tag dt desc set order to dt go top ?data go bott ?data use set talk on retu 2. set talk off clea use Computer do while not eof() do case case 成绩=90 and 成绩=100 str=优秀 case 成绩=80 and 成绩90 str=良好 case 成绩=70 and 成绩80 str=中等 case 成绩=60 and 成绩70 str=及格 otherwise str=不及格 endcase repl 评估 with str skip endd use set talk on retu 3. set talk off clea use Students index on 总分 tag cj desc set order to cj direction=1 do while not eof() if direction=1 for i=1 to 12 repl 班级 with i if not eof() skip endif endf else for i=12 to 1 step -1 repl 班级 with i if not eof() skip endif endf endif if direction=1 direction=2 else direction=1 endif enddo index on 班级 tag bj set order to bj for i=1 to 12 if i10 s=str(i,1) else s=str(i,2) endif filename=Class+s+.dbf copy to filename for 班级=i next use set talk on retu 4. set talk off clea dime a(8) use Gzpm do while not eof() s=实发工资 yb=int(s/100) repl 壹佰元 with yb s=s-yb*100 ws=int(s/50) repl 伍拾元 with ws s=s-ws*50 ers=int(s/20) repl 贰拾元 with ers s=s-ers*20 sh=int(s/10) repl 拾元 with sh s=s-sh*10 wu=int(s/5) repl 伍元 with wu s=s-wu*5 er=int(s/2) repl 贰元 with er s=s-er*2 repl 壹元 with s if not eof() skip endif endd sum to array a ?壹佰元:,str(a(2),4),张 ?伍拾元:,str(a(3),4),张 ?贰拾元:,str(a(4),4),张 ?拾元 :,str(a(5),4),张 ?伍元 :,str(a(6),4),张 ?贰元 :,str(a(7),4),张 ?壹元 :,str(a(8),4),张 use set talk on retu 习题三(P66) 五、根据要求设计程序 1. *用IF语句实现 CLEAR SET TALK OFF T=0 clea INPUT 输入三个数的值: TO A INPUT to B INPUT to C IF AB T=A A=B B=T ENDIF IF AC T=A A=C C=T ENDIF IF BC T=B B=C C=T END


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