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 PAGE 13 常州机电职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 作 者: 刘丹丹 学 号: 系 部: 经济管理系 专 业: 国际商务 题 目:浅谈商务礼仪在房地产销售中的应用 指导者: 评阅者: 1 摘 要 在现在社会中,商务礼仪已经变得越来越重要了。商务礼仪能够规范我们的行为、传递信息、增进感情。房地产业是从事房地产开发、经营、管理、服务等行业与企业的总称。如何把我们书本上学到的商务礼仪知识,运用到房地产销售中来,这就显得尤为重要。从我们一开始到公司培训再到现在一切工作都步入正轨,我们经历了好多也学到了好多。学到了公司的企业文化、致观咨询营销服务体系、工作流程、行业信息等等。房地产销售中有一句名言:学可以不精,但是不可以不博!这句话让我意识到了以前在学校里学习书本知识的重要性。置业顾问行为规范,打电话的技巧,接待客户时的行为举止,出去市调时的注意事项等等,都与商务礼仪密切相关。 关键词:商务礼仪 房地产销售 企业文化 致观咨询 abstract Has become increasingly important in the present social and business etiquette. Business etiquette to regulate our behavior, transmission of information, promote feelings. The real estate industry is engaged in real estate development, operation, management, services and other industries and enterprises collectively. Knowledge of business etiquette, how to put our books to school to use the real estate sales, which is particularly important. From the beginning to corporate training and then to all the work on track, we have experienced a lot and learned a lot. Learned the companys corporate culture, induced concept consulting marketing service system, workflow, industry information, and so on. Real estate sales in a famous saying: the school can not fine, but can not not Bo! This sentence made ??me aware of the importance of learning from books before school. The property consultant code of conduct, calling techniques, behavior hospitality customers precautions when out market research and so on, are closely related to business etiquette. Keyword:Business Etiquette Real estate sales Corporate Culture Caused by Consulting 目录 1 引言………………………………………………………………………………5 2 置业顾问——我…………………………………………………………………5 3 商务礼仪与房地产销售技巧……………………………………………………6 4 我与我的潜在客户………………………………………………………………7 5 打电话的礼仪……………………………………………………………………8 6 团队合作能力…………


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