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2004级应用化学专业《应用电化学》期末考试试卷(A卷) 一、填空题(共5题,每空1分) 1. DSA is the abbreviation of 2. PEMFC is the abbreviation of 3.已知Hg在KCl稀溶液中零电荷电位?o=-0.19v,则电极电位为-0.10v的Hg电极上荷 电,比电极电位为0.10v的Hg电极上剩余电荷 (少或多) 4. 电极电位是指 ,过电位是指 5、专业名词翻译 腐蚀 , 极化 , 电化学 , 阳极 , electrochemical equivalent , dipolar double layer , electric migration , interfacial tension , electrodeposition , 交换电流密度 , 电导率 , convection , metal finishing , composite plating , 二、问答题(共5题,每题8分) 1、简述电化学极化和浓度极化的特点。 2、简述电镀、阳极氧化和电泳涂装的特点。 3、如何提高电池的能量密度? 4、In general, the copper salts are added into the solution in the industrial cementation of Cd, Co, Ni with Zn powder to improve purification process. Why? 5、稳定的电位就是平衡电位,不稳定的电位就是不平衡电位,这种说法对吗?为什么? 三、翻译(共2题,每题10分) 1. (1)Aluminium is normally produced from the ore, bauxite(铝土矿), which is a hydrated aluminium oxide containing silica and other metal oxides, particularly iron. It is converted to a pure alumina. The ore is first treated with sodium hydroxide under pressure. The aluminium largely dissolves as the aluminate, the iron oxide is insoluble and the silica also remains in the form of a sodium aluminium silicate, which leads to a loss of aluminium. (2)Pitting is possibly the most common type of localized attack. It usually occurs on an oxide-covered surface due to the presence of an aggressive species, e.g. Cl- which prevents complete passivation, together with a sufficiently high anodic potential. Pitting attack is often autocatalytic and self-stimulating in nature 2. Fluid mechanics is the study of the motion of flowing or stirred fluids, usually liquids or gases. Quantitative fluid mechanics is based upon the continuity equations which st


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