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当前小学生课业(学习)负担研究 2013 届小学教育专业毕业生论文(设计) 课题名称:当前小学生课业(学习)负担研究 学生姓名: 蔡建忠 指导教师: HYPERLINK :8080/student/thesis/ThesisApply/ThesisTeacherDetail.asp?TeacherID=weixy 韦雪艳 江南大学网络教育学院 2015年4月 江南大学网络教育学院 毕 业 论 文 (设 计) 姓 名 蔡建忠校外学习中心 江西人才2学 号913330451证 件 号批 次201507层 次 专升本专 业 小学教育指导教师 HYPERLINK :8080/student/thesis/ThesisApply/ThesisTeacherDetail.asp?TeacherID=weixy 韦雪艳课题名称当前小学生课业(学习)负担研究(第?稿)???导教师 评 语 终 稿 成 绩 : 指导教师签名: 年 月 日  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III 摘 要 小学阶段是6—12岁儿童心智等各方面发展的黄金期,给予其正确的引导与教育必不可少,然而正是由于全社会寄予小学生的厚望太高,使得作为小学生每天必修课的课业就越来越多,由此而导致的课业负担就越来越重,使得孩子们身心疲惫,苦不堪言。 本文以南昌市某小学师生为样本,采用问卷调查、访谈研究、文献分析等方法来调查小学生学习负担现状,从中得知小学生普遍存在作业时间长、考试次数多、在校时间长、心理负担重、业余爱好少等现象。其原因为教师专业化程度不高,教师专业素质与基础教育改革要求不相适,学校管理缺乏自主性;教育评价存在误区等。为了减轻小学生的学习负担,学校应把“减负”作为办学理念,真抓实干;教育行政部门应把“减负”作为中心工作,常抓不懈;家长应把“减负”落到实处。 关键词:小学生;学习负担;对策 Abstract Elementary school is 6 to 12 years old childrens mental development and so on various aspects of gold period, given the right guidance and education is necessary, however, it is because of the whole society elementary students expectation is too high to make compulsory course is more and more, as the students every day which result in schoolwork burden is heavier, exhaustion of body and mind makes the children, suffering. Based on nanchang a primary school teachers and students as samples, this paper adopts interview, questionnaire research, literature analysis method to investigate present situation of students learning burden, to learn from pupils are widespread operation time is long, the exam more, long time in school and less psychological burden, hobbies, etc. The reason for teachers specialization degree is not high, teachers professional quality and basic education reform requires not suitable, lack of autonomy in the management of school; Education evaluation is erroneous zone and so on. In order


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