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腊肉从原料到餐桌的质检方法 摘要:腊肉是我国的传统肉制品,改良传统工艺才能适应工业化生产的需要。开展腊肉中微生物的种类、数量及变化研究是改进腊肉加工工艺与控制产品质量的客观需要。[1] 传统腊肉优势菌为葡萄球菌,产品菌相构成为嗜温性细菌,葡萄球菌,芽抱杆菌。低盐腊肉优势菌为葡萄球菌和芽抱杆菌。在贮藏过程中传统腊肉中的微生物数量没有显著变化,但是低盐腊肉中的微生物数量不断增长,三个月后,芽抱杆菌数超过葡萄球菌数达到103倍,成为优势菌。 本文对传统腊肉产品中的葡萄球菌和芽抱杆菌检测鉴定,结果发现,传统腊肉中的优势菌株为肉葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus carnosus)和枯草芽抱杆菌恤cillus subtilis),两种腊肉中都没有检测出金黄色葡萄球菌。 关键词:腊肉,菌相,微生物 Abstract Chinese bacon is a traditional meat product. It must change processing technique to adaptindustrialization. Its necessary to research on the species, counts and changes of microorganisms inChinese bacon. This research can help to improve processing technique and control products quality. Main microorganisms are separated and enumerated) on different selective media during processingand storage. The main microorganisms determined include: total mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria(LAB), Micrococcus and Staphylococcus, Enterobacteriaceae, Bacillus. The results show that there aremicroorganisms in both two kinds of Chinese bacon. And microflora changed during processing and storage. The predominant microorganisms in traditional Chinese bacon are Staphylococcus. The microflorain traditional Chinese bacon is: counts of total mesophilic bacteria, counts ofStaphylococcus, counts of Bacillus. The predominatmicroorganisms in low salt Chinese bacon are Staphylococcus and Bacillus. The microflora in low saltChinese bacon is: counts of total bacteria, counts of Staphylococcus, counts of Bacillus. Theamounts of microorganisms in traditional Chinesebacon dont increase during storage. But they increase during sotrage in low salt Chinese bacon until thecounts of Bacillus after storage of 90 days and became the predominant microflora. Staphylococcus and Bacillus in two kinds of Chinese bacon are separated and characterized. Theresults show that the predominant species in traditional Chinese bacon are Staphylococcus carnosus andBacillus subtilis. The results also show that there themicroflora of low salt


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