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Professional Short 张自豪 Zhang Zihao 小时候我路过大运河时发现水质十分混浊,上面还有很多泡泡。 A child I found the water passing through the Grand Canal is very muddy, there are many above the bubble. 我就在想水底的小动物能活下来吗? I think the bottom in small animals can survive it? 之后金陵晚报上有一篇名叫“蛙声渐稀”的文章吸引了我,上面说道水质污染导致蛙类数量大幅减少。 After the Jinling Evening News on one called frogs getting thin, the article attracted me, the above said water pollution led to significantly reduce the number of frogs. 我想我们平常使用的化学用品比如洗洁精一定是导致水质污染的主要原因之一。 I think we usually use chemicals such as detergent, must be one of the main cause of water pollution. 为了证明我的猜想,我和一名初中同学找到生物老师。 To prove my guess, and I find a junior high school students biology teacher. 他说愿意支持我们做一个探究实验。 He said the inquiry is willing to support us to do a test. 他把学校的生物实验室提供给我们,也给我们提供了实验资金。 He put the schools biology lab to provide to us, but also provides us with an experimental funding. 我们在初步制定实验计划后,去郊区开始捕捉蝌蚪,一共一百八只蝌蚪。 In preliminary experiments we plan to develop, to the suburbs began to catch tadpoles, a total of one hundred and eighty tadpoles. 为了确定实验浓度,我们做了一个预实验,发现 8% 的洗洁精溶液五分钟内蝌蚪全部死光包括黏膜脱落。 To determine the experimental concentration, we made ??a pre-test and found that 8% of the detergent solution all died within five minutes of tadpoles, including mucosal shedding. 然后我们制定了 1 个清水对照组和 6 个溶液实验组( 0.1% 、 0.05% 、 0.01% 、 0.005% 、 0.001% 、 0.03% ),经过近半年的定期喂食、换水,我们确定了蝌蚪死亡的浓度大约在 0.01% 以上。 Then we developed a water solution of the control group and six experimental groups (0.1%, 0.05%, 0.01%, 0.005%, 0.001%, 0.03%), after nearly six months of regular feeding, water changes, we identified tadpole death concentration of about 0.01%. 很多实验组的蝌蚪成长畸形甚至无法成蛙。 Many experimental groups of tadpoles grow into frogs can not even deformity. 这个结果让我震惊,那些江河的水长期被污染,水生动物、两栖动物如何难以生存? The results I was shocked, those rivers of water have long been polluted aquatic animals, amphibians how to survive? 我们将实验整理成实验报告,获得了马鞍山市科技创新大赛一等奖。 We will experiment organized into lab reports, obtained M



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