新牛津英语初三期中复习课件:9A Unit 5(共34张PPT).ppt

新牛津英语初三期中复习课件:9A Unit 5(共34张PPT).ppt

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新牛津英语初三期中复习课件:9A Unit 5(共34张PPT)

9A Unit5 Art;学习目标: 回顾单元话题、词汇、语法、语音,检验自身掌握情况,查漏补缺。 对单元学习情况加以评价,找出改进措施。;Task 1 Words;10.呼吸(动词)breathe 名词breath 11. 持续 last 过去式 lasted 形容词 lasting 12. 价值 value 形容词 valuable 13. 非洲(人) 的 African 复数 Africans 14. 美国(人)的 American 复数 Americans 15. 鼓励(动词) encourange (名词) encourangement 勇气 courage;令人愉快的事情 不同的艺术形式 我更喜欢流行音乐。 音乐才能 无国界音乐 播放颁奖音乐 一个世界著名的作曲家 在中国中部 对音乐感兴趣;淙淙的流水声和飒飒风声 来自大自然 用像石头和纸一样的普通物品制作音乐 继续去美国学习 逐渐认识一些音乐家 因获得奥斯卡奖而出名 ;乐器 通过控制水流的速度 建立一座连接东西方的桥梁;对所有的学生开放;设计海报;向各个方向跑;练一练;1. I ve found something more____ ( please)than art. 2.His ____ (music) talent is amazing. 3He is famous as a great ____ (music). 4.A medal was presented to the (win). 5.The sounds of ______ (rush) water come from the river. 6.The Mid-autumn Festival is a (tradition ) festival. 7.There’s no clear ____ (divide) line between the two areas. 8.The operation was __________(success) done. 9Mr Li makes her English class___ , we show an___ in English.(interest) 10..Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by_____ (control) the speed of water flow. 11.He is best known for__ (win) an Oscar for his music in the film.;12. How long will the meeeting ______ (持续)? 13. The _____(last) time of the meeting made me boring. 14.T he people think ______ (high) of the book. 15.He ran into the house out of ______ (breathe). 16.He is an _____ boy. He comes from ____.(Africa) 17.It’s good to go to a ___ (音乐会) for a change. 18. What about having dinner with me________ (今晚)? ;1.Art is something pleasant and …;2.Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played. present sth. to sb. present sb. with sth. “将某物颁发给/赠予某人” e.g. 南希赠送给我们一些花。 Nancy presented us with some flowers.;4. When he was very young, Tan showed an interest in music. show an interest in … 对……感兴趣 = be interested in … e.g. 你何时对网球感兴趣的? When did you s


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